cure and price

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Bella pov

Tyler Lockwood bit me.  Damon's words caused me to stagger back and Stefan and my mates came rushing towards us. "what?" Stefan said. ""Tyler bit me. So..." Damon trailed off. "so nothing, we will find a cure. There has to be something. Nature has the balance for everything. "

"well good luck finding it " Damon said and walked away.

Later I found myself and my mates immersed in the grimoires that I had borrowed from Bonnie to search for a cure. He had tried to kill himself by standing in the sun without his daylight ring. I had snapped his neck and kept alaric on the duty to watch over him along with The Cullens.

We were so immersed in reading that we almost did not hear the chair moving opposite us. I looked up to see Elijah.

Jasper pov

Elijah stood there looking at Bella with concerned eyes. "Elijah " Bella said a bit harshly

"u r angry with me "

"I m angry with everyone right now. Moreso everything right now" she said before going back to reading the grimoire

"what's the matter love?  " "Damon has been bitten by a werewolf, and I don't know if there is a cure and I m trying to find out and going crazy about it " she started tearing up and Elijah was out of the seat and had her in his arms in an instant

"there is a cure. Klaus's blood" we stood there shocked. "what r u saying? Wait what am I saying? This is incredible"

She kissed Elijah and thanked him and rushed out calling Stefan. We went to follow her but Elijah shook his head, "don't Klaus is more likely to give the cure if u r not there " we frowned but nodded

Bella pov

The cure had reached Damon but with a price. Stefan had given himself over to Klaus who wanted to make him a ripper again. I along with Edward and jasper  we're on our way to Klaus. Just as we entered, Stefan threw a girls drained body inter ground and wiped the blood of his face. I sighed and turned to Klaus who looked at me amused

"Damon is cured but I m not leaving my brother with u so me and my mates will accompany u" Klaus smirked and said, "u r always welcome love."

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