werelwolf hybrids

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Jasper pov

We were currently entering a bar southern comfort to meet a werewolf named Ray Sutton. As Klaus found him, he cornered him. "Ray just the man I am looking for" Ray looked fRom Klaus to Stefan and to us then turned around the other way only to be stopped by Bella,"not so fast" She said smirking

"vampires " Ray said

"they are vampires, but me I m different. I got some vampire and I got some wolf. I m a hybrid and I want to create more like me. So would u tell me where can I find more of your kind "

Ray obviously refused which led us to be sitting in the bar while Stefan tortured it out of him. Bella looked at Edward and said, "can't u just read his mind?"

Edward nodded and after a moment said that the pack was in the Smokey mountains in Tennessee. Bella smiled, kissed his cheek and turned to Klaus to tell him the information but he nodded indicating he had heard it and then smirked at Ray and hit him with the dart dripped in wolfsbane.

The next few hours found us trekking the mountains for the pack of wolves.

"r u okay mate? Is Ray getting a little heavy for u?" Klaus asked Stefan who was carrying the unconscious werewolf.

Stefan scoffed while Bella said, "it would be better if u didn't have a vocal cord"

"oh love I remember a time when u would do anything to listen to my voice"

He remarked causing Bella to almost whimper which changed to a snarl and she snapped,"and I remembr the moment that changed that notion" Klaus immediately sobered up and became silent. The rest of the way they both ignored each other.

We found the pack and as soon as Stefan dropped Ray, a girl came running to him. She glared at us and asked,"who r u? "

Klaus replied,"not important love, important is who am I?  My name is Klaus "

Realisation coloured her emotions as she stated,"u r The hybrid"

Klaus smirked, "u have heard of me, fantastic"

Ray woke up with a gasp and Klaus told the crowd that he was in transition and would die if not fed human blood. Bella pinpointed a guy and caught him by the throat and passed him to Stefan who restrained him next to Ray. "drink Ray or I will and the problem is.. I don't know how to stop" Staten said causing me and Edward to become uneasy. The girl who had first approached us rushed towards Stefan only to be caught by Bella ,"tsk tsk not so fast sweetheart " Klaus took the girl from Bella and bit her and snapped her neck. 

"so this is your big plan huh? Create an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked Klaus as we waited for the werewolves to complete transition. I was sitting against the tree as Bella Sat against me on my lap and laid her legs on Edward's. "not slaves, soldiers, comrades"

"for what war? " Edward asked

Bella spoke before Klaus could answer,"u don't create an army when the war is declared Edward, u create an army so big that no one dares to declare a war on u"

"what makes u sure they will be loyal "

"it's not hard to be loyal when u r on the winning side " Klaus said to which Bella nodded in agreement. We could see that she and Klaus were alike. Ray took our distraction as an opportunity and ran away. Stefan shrugged and went after him. 

Bella pov

Klaus had to kill all the hybrids as something was wrong. I knew exactly what it was. Elena was supposed to be dead which she was not. Klaus healed Stefan who was bit by a werewolf hybrid.

Klaus was upset and I wanted to comfort him but I knew I couldn't be weak.

Jasper sighed and filled the atmosphere with calm. I silently thanked him. But he shook his head and gestured towards Klaus.

I sighed and went to him. "so what's your plan now Klaus?" I said standing beside him. He seemed shocked but recovered and said, "we need answers to what's wrong. We need to visit my favourite witch"

I couldn't help the words that left my mouth,"oh if u have forgotten Klaus, I killed your favourite witch in the 70s. I m sure u liked her too much due to the fact that u slept with her behind your so called mate's back " he visibly flinched at my words and the venom with which I said them. He looked at me pleadingly but I glared at him and turned away.

Before I left , I heard, "get ready we r leaving for Chicago"

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