old friends need help

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Edward pov

My family stiffened at the mention of the volturi but not the others. Bella was in favor worried and immediately took out her phone and dialled a number. A few minutes later I had a familiar voice u had heard in Carlisle's memories. "aro"

"Bella thank god. Can u please come to Volterra. We are in need of your help. I m calling some other covens also. I would specifically need the Whitlock coven and the Cullens as the major is with them."

He sounded genuinely upset.

"don't worry about it aro. The Cullens and Whitlocks are with me. The major or jasper and Edward are my mates. We will come soon and not only us, my other mates which means the originals and my brothers will be there with our other friends and a witch. " all of us nodded In agreement. "oh thank u Bella thank u pls come soon"

Bella hung up and turned to us. We all got up and went to our rooms to pack. Bella came into the room and stripped causing us to pause and look at her. "not now, hurry we have to leave" she said. I could sense that she was stressed. We all could. Elijah explained that Bella was close to the volturi especially Jane and alec. We nodded and got ready. Bella came out of the shower wearing alight blue jumpsuit that ended mid thigh. She wore her blue converse and tied her hair in a pony. She applied makeup and except for her daylight bracelet and compulsion necklace wore nothing else.

We all left for the airport.
Skip flight

We landed in Italy. We took 5 cars to Volterra. Bella slept the entire way. ELijah drove while she snuggled to me and Klaus. We soon reached the castle. Two hooded figures were waiting for us.

Bella awoke when the car stopped and rubbed her eyes like a baby.

She got out of the car and ran to the two vampires we now knew as Jane and Felix. They hugged her. She introduced everyone. When she reached Bonnie and Matt, theur eyes widened and they said mate

Matt pov

Jane looked at me and said 'mate '  I smiled and went to her taking her in my arms. "u r beautiful" I whispered. She smiled shyly and kissed me on the cheek.

I turned to find Bonnie in the arms of the big guy, Felix

Bonnie pov

I felt my power increase tenfold when my mate hugged me. He scooped me in his arms and kissed my forehead. I giggled and kissed his cheek. We broke apart at Bella 's squealing. "I knew it. I knew it " we all laughed and Klaus wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face in her neck.

We all quieted down and moved towards the throne room.

As we entered, we found the kings and the guards turn to look at us. After the initial hugs and congratulations about many finding their mates and Bella getting back together with her mates, alec gasped "mate"

We turned to see him and Elena locked in an embrace. Bella smiled and nodded at Elena who smiled wide. Alec kissed her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Looks like everyone found their mate.

Bella turned to aro and asked, "what's the matter, aro"

He frowned and said,"the Romanians are planning an attack on us"

Bella frowned, "so u have defeated them before right?"

He nodded and said something that caused all of us especially jasper and Klaus to stiffen and growl,"they have joined hands with Maria of the south and the original's father Michael"

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now