Chicago and emotions

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U wanted them to patch up so here it is. Enjoy


Edward pov

We reached Chicago and Klaus said, "welcome back to Chicago Stefan "

"I remember this place, I was here in the 20s" Stefan says

"we all were " Bella says smiling and glances at Klaus who looks at her and has a faraway look on his face. They both do. Klaus leads Stefan away while Bella says.,"welcome to your hometown Edward" I smile and look around. I couldnt risk coming here before due to the sun. I ask Bella about the look she shared with Klaus. Bella sighs and

Bella pov

Edward asks me about the look I shared with Klaus. I sigh and say,"this is the city where we first met " they look at me shocked and I nod holding back tears at the memory of tthe time when I first met Klaus

I was at a popular bar Glorias in Chicago enjoying my drink in the corner from a man who tried to impose himself on me when a man came on the other side of my victim and started to drink from his neck. "I don't share meals with strangers" I said. He looked up and my eyes met the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. My eyes roamed around his face and body checking him out and again met his eyes which had now darkened with lust as he took in my form. Our eyes met and I felt a pull towards him. "mate" we both whispered and I smiled launching myself into his lap. He chuckled and smiled, "my name is nikKlaus love and u are? "
"Isabella ,nik"
"nik? Ok I will call u izzy" I smiled and pulled him for a kiss. His tongue tasted each corner of my mouth as he picked me up my legs around his waist and made his way towards the back of the bar. We went to a spare room kept for mating by Gloria who was a witch and he pinned me to the wall. I smirked and moaned as he kissed my neck. He pushed me on the bed as we carelessly stripped each other. Just as he was about to enter me, I said,"nik please go slow, I m a virgin" his eyes widened and then lit up as he nodded. He slowly eased himself in me. I screamed as he broke my Barrier but he caught my scream in his kiss. He stayed still till I adjusted to his size. When I was ready, he slammed into me continuously till I reached euphoria and he followed soon after. " we made love for the entire night and in breaks got to know each other.

End of flashback

I snapped out of it at the door opening and Klaus and Stefan entering again. Klaus made his way to me but I turned. He sighed and went to his siblings coffins. He opened one and I soon found it to be my best friend and Klaus's sister rebekah's. Klaus took a deep breath and removed the dagger. I turned to Stefan and he told me that they had gone to meet Gloria who said she needed rebekah and that Klaus had returned his memories. I was happy that he remembered bekah and Klaus now. I filled in Edward Nd jasper about rebekah and Stefan in the 20s, ( we all know the story) they were shocked but nodded.

They said they had to hunt and left for the woods. I kissed them good bye and they left. I walked around the bar which I had entered and found myself in front of the room I had first mated with Klaus. I entered the room to find it as it wad before with some changes. The door closed behind me and I sighed,"what do u want Klaus?"

"you" he replied, "your forgiveness, your love, your lust, your body, your heart, your sorrows, anything that u can give me "

I shook my head and tried to stop the tears but they just increased. He was in front of me in an instant wiping my tears,"don't cry love. I don't deserve that u cry for me. I have done great wrong to u and I will do anything to make up for it. Pls forgive me. I hated Genevieve but seeing those memories drove me blind with jealousy and then she got me to get drunk and I ended up sleeping with her. Pls love forgive me, I love u. " he dropped to his knees in defeat tears in his eyes. I couldn't hold myself back and launched himself at him,"u r an idiot and an asshole but u r my idiot and my asshole. U get a chance but don't screw it up ok nik?" he smiled and crashed his lips to mine. I smirked and kissed him back. We ripped each other's clothes carelessly and he thrust into me. It was animalistic and rough. We both driven solely by instincts. We spent the night making love on every inch of the room before we finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

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