more mates??

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Edward pov

Me and jasper had hunted and made our way to mystic grill- weird name-  to meet our girl only to find her pinned to the wall by a man in a suit, her legs around his waist as he kissed her whispering his love foe her

We were fuming and angry Beyond words.. Our inner vampires however were a different story.. Yes they were jealous but didn't mind it much

They tried to tell us something but we ignored it and shouted,

"what the hell is going on here?"

Bella immediately pulled apart and looked at us

She smiled,  she fucking smiled.,

Bella pov

Me and Elijah pulled apart and turned immediately.. Edward and jasper stood behind us.. I looked at them smiling but frowned taking in their expressions. They looked livid.. I was confused before realisation dawned as to how it would look to them

I untangled myself from Elijah who frowned

I gave him a smile and turned to them,

Jasper pov

She fucking smiled at the guy reassuring him before she turned to us

"mi amore, pls listen me out before u just jump to a conclusion"

We nodded stiffly

She came towards us and pulled us in for an embrace

We relaxed slightly and she gave us a smile

"that Is Elijah my third mate "

Elijah asked her what she meant by third and she introduced us to him

He was upset but then accepted it sending us a smile which we returned

We spoke about each other and Bella

She explained to us about their fight and misunderstanding

We were happy that she had resolved her issues with him as we don't think she was truly happy without all our mates

Elijah turned To Bella and said,"u do know that the doppleganger has to die right??"

Bella sighed and said,"ya but my brothers r not giving up that easily ..I don't know if u met Damon but he is just as infatuated with the girl as Stefan is"

"I gathered that when he tried to stake me" Elijah said bitterly

We raised out eyebrow

Bella said that she was glad he didn't kill Damon there and then to which Elijah smiled kissing her hand and replied that Damon was her brother and he knew what family meant to her

They discussed this curse thing  more after which Elijah asked her If she had told Damon about the true nature of the curse

Bella sighed again and shook her head

"I m afraid that it will drive them to go up against Klaus more"

"or maybe they would back down realising how dangerous this truly is " Elijah countered

We were confused but knew Bella would explain to is later

Bella nodded and got up kissing Elijah softly but he wasn't having that as he caught her by the waist and deepened the kiss

It was kind of erotic seeing them like that

Edward nodded his eyes trained on them

Bella pulled away shaking her head

"see u around Mr mikaelson"

"always a pleasure ms Salvatore"

Bella told him that she wanted to keep their mates status under wraps for now as she wanted to get to know the actual thing around here before she revealed anything to anyone

He nodded and told her he loved her to which she smiled and replied with the same

We left the grill and made our way back

Bella had a smile on her face

It made me happy to see her this happy

I wonder who her fourth mate is??

twilight tvd,  4 mates, 2 brothers and enemies.. wow my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now