Part 65

170 6 27

5205: Okay, end of coffee break, did we get any questions?

Author: Few, but it should be enough to make a short part.


5205: That's complicated

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5205: That's complicated. It is true, I am indeed an OC, which has been made to resemble readers. I was made in order to allow you, readers, to feel like a part of the story which has been happening in the past, but at the same time I live my own life. Did anyone understand what I just said?

173: No.

049-J: Nope.

1471: I didn't understand anything.

5205: ...



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953: Ugh... I guess I have to tell you a story. I didn't hate the entire humanity since the beginning, but then there was an incident, which completly changed my view. I was hurt, and promised myself to get rid of everyone who dares to hurt me or others. You know one part of the story from my report, about what I did, but you have no idea why. The woman, who I have forced to cook her child alive, had another one, who she has earlier sold into slavery. What I did was a pure revenge. For other things I simply took the blame because it was fun to see SCP staff panic whenether they passed near my containment cell, but im reality I didn't do it.

Author: What about the Yiff Con?

953: Well, this was something I did, but I think that most of you will understand why. I used to kill the SCP personel, because I was mad that they have imprisoned me. Then I have spent some years in the containment cell, until 5205 arrived and changed my view over humanity.

5205: I didn't do anything special!

953: I am serious, you were the first person who treated me good since the time I got captured. And because of that I can answer your questions now, no, I don't kill others anymore, except Bright, he is an idiot.

Bright: ...


343: Don't blame me for this one, blame SCP-738!

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343: Don't blame me for this one, blame SCP-738!


5205: Sure, you can join us, but don't destroy the wall plea

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5205: Sure, you can join us, but don't destroy the wall plea... *Hears an explosion* ... God damnit! SCPs have been released long time ago, almost all of them are free, we are only keeping objects like SCP-914 or SCP-2000 to prevent the humanity from destroying themselves with it! Now you owe us at least few hundred thousands for fixing this wall!

Author: Cannot you simply reverse the time of this wall and put it back?

5205: ... Good idea, you don't have to pay us then, I guess. *Fixes the wall* We are also not paying you, sorry. We are in here only because this place is quiet.


5205: Well fuck

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5205: Well fuck.

Author: Can we fix them somehow?

5205: *Covers Luke with a mixture of Broken God's metal and Yaldabaoth's blood* This may help, but I cannot promise anything.


5205: I had to, Iris looked into their eyes

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5205: I had to, Iris looked into their eyes. And about those souls, sure, I can contain them, but saving them is possible. Maybe. When you take them back, go to Abyss Sans, he has an ability to purify souls.


5205: Sorry bro, I don't know any yandere victims, but if I find one I will tell you

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5205: Sorry bro, I don't know any yandere victims, but if I find one I will tell you.

096: It is fine, we have already blamed the Author for messing this up.

Author: Used to be better but it is not bad, I am simply stressed out because I am going to university this year, thanks for asking.

5205: *Takes the card* Alright, thanks.

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