Part 20-J

518 10 31

Author: For the love of 343, is this a joke?!

5205: No... Bright gave everyone SCP-420-J. Everyone is high right now.

Lucy: Oh 5205... I need you right now...

5205: And the worst part of it is, that I have no clue how to fix it!

Lucy: Just give me a good time...

5205: ... After the Ask, ok?

Lucy: Alright...

Author: So, this will be part, where everyone is high on drugs?

5205: Yea.

Bright: You should be thankful... People will love that!

Author: I swear Bright, after it ends, you are dead.


5205: Hide Lucy in my pocket dimension to make sure that she is safe and then try to fix it

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5205: Hide Lucy in my pocket dimension to make sure that she is safe and then try to fix it.



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