Part 22

525 10 29

Author: 953 you have to...

953: Never! It is disgusting, tastes terrible and it smells bad!

Author: But you have to swallow it, it is for your own good, trust me.

953: Never! You Just want to torture me! *Coughs*

Author: That's what I am talking about... Just do it.

953: No!

5205: *Comes to the room* What's going on here?

Author: 953 got sick, 049 gave me a medicine for her but she doesn't want to take it.

953: I won't *coughs* take it!

5205: You know, behind these doors, it didn't sound like you were trying to give her medicine.

Author: Then how did it sound?

5205: *Shows a recording*

Author: ... *Kisses 953* Will you take it now?

953: ... Fine. *Takes the medicine*

Author: 5205, bring everyone to this room, we will start this Ask with set of questions from Editing_rex

Author: 5205, bring everyone to this room, we will start this Ask with set of questions from Editing_rex

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682: Maybe 100...

5205: There was definitely more!

682: Don't interrupt me! 100... Maybe 200 thousands of tons.



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