Part 31

358 9 27

Author: Alright, Ellie and John are back, now, when we have everyone, we can do another part. Lets start with questions from Gevon5566600

 Lets start with questions from Gevon5566600

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096: Uhm, what?

106: Never! We shall get Alsace-Lorraine back!

Author: ... Alsace-Lorraine is a part of France since 1945, not talking about the situation before World War II.

106: Well, these a great news!

682-1: What?! *Gets turned into a human* I hope that this is temporary.

5205: Yea, you will get your old form back after this part is finished.

Clef: *Gets turned into a statue and put in one room with 173*

Author: *Closes the door* Lets give them some privacy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Bright: ...

053: What is a cum?

Bright: ... Don't say anything like that when she is close.

053: So, what is that?

Bright: 5205 I beg you...

5205: Don't say anything. *Erases 053's memories*

Author: ... People really hate me. *Kisses her* There.


953: Well, then this dare is only for Iris, 682-2 and Lucy

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953: Well, then this dare is only for Iris, 682-2 and Lucy.

105: *Bites Cain's neck* So, what shall we do?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

073: We will see after the Ask.

682-2: When you come back to your real form, we will have some fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

682-1: I am waiting then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lucy: 5205, you do realise that we are married and I am still not pregnant? Don't you think that we should change that? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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