Part 74 - War

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5025: I can't hold this any longer...

5025: I swear, if we win this, I am buying myself the most expensive coffee in the world

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5025: I swear, if we win this, I am buying myself the most expensive coffee in the world.


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5025: ... Okay, lets fight to this music, I am letting the time flow again. *Time starts again*

Absorber: *Sees more people that earlier* Huh... This will be fun.

Absorber: This wasn't necesarry, but thank you

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Absorber: This wasn't necesarry, but thank you. After we win this, I will reward you. *Starts glitching reality near him* May the battle begin! *Goes after 5025 and sends powerful energy beams againts her*

5025: *Blocks the beams and tries to avoid corrupted 682s* Author, 953!

Author: Not on my fucking watch! *Catches iamPESTILENCE and cuts off all of his hands and legs, before throwing them out of the dimension* 953... *Checks her heart beat* Phew, she is only unconscious, but just to make sure... *Takes 953 away from the battle and starts using his author powers to heal her from every disease and poison*

5025: *Sends millions of knives againts Absorber, but they catch it and absorb their power* God damnit...

Absorber: Cute. Did you seriously think that this thing will work on me?

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