Part 53

344 7 76

Author: So... Did you get sober and we can we finally do this Ask?

5205: Yea... I am not drinking again.

Author: I am just curious, how much did you drink?

5205: 20 bottles of pure alcohol.

Author: That explains a long hangover and why you didn't want to make another part, but now we can finally start with questions from Pupcakemon

Author: That explains a long hangover and why you didn't want to make another part, but now we can finally start with questions from Pupcakemon

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049: It looks very nice, and I... Wait. Son?!

035: I knew that this will be a ship...

096: They look really good, but I truely hope that they are not a ship of me and somebody else.

Author: Xerxes looks kinda like Larry, but without his corrosion.

106: I have to agree with that.

Author: About Yaotl, she looks like a child of 096 and one of scientists, and Qwara looks like a child of Yaotl and 106. All in all, they look really nice.

682-1: *Checks Conner and instantly leaves* Nope, nope, nope!

079: *Checks Conner and gets a blues screen*

5205: Damn, that looks great, but don't show them their ships, because they hate that. *Brings back 682-1 and resets 079* You have to check one more picture.

682-1: ... I hope that this time it is not a ship. *Checks Nalanie* Fuck my life, 079, for your own good don't look at this!

079: Another ship?

682-1: Yes.

079: ...

682-1: Ok, listen. Yes, it looks nice, no, I don't ship this.

049-J: Damn, my father really should give me a brother.

049: You will have a younger brother, don't worry.

049-J: When?

049: Uhm... If everything goes well, in 9 months, I will take care of this today.

5205: 173 says, that for her this looks very sexy, but that's her opinion, not mine.

Author: No problem, I already gave up at trying to become an artist.



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