Part 21

616 11 52

5205: Alright, after long analysis by O5 council, we have decided, that to the Ask will join SCPs: 053, 131, 191, 353, 457, 529, 735, 1943, 2599 and 2662. Say hello.

Everyone new: Hi.

529: Meow.

Author: Because this is your first Ask, you will observe how others are answering, unless we get a question for everyone. In another part readers will try to ask you personal questions or give you personal dares. Now, lets start with questions from extremoMMV

682: The end is near is pretty good, but there is one thing, that is wrong

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682: The end is near is pretty good, but there is one thing, that is wrong. I would never cooperate with my father. And Confinement is, well, also pretty good.


682: First of all, she, not he, because somebody turned me into a girl for two Ask and Dares

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682: First of all, she, not he, because somebody turned me into a girl for two Ask and Dares. Second of all, challenge accepted!

*Time skip*

682: Hehehehehehe...

5205: Uhm...

682: Time to destroy everything!

*Containment breach*

682: *Lies unconscious on the floor*

5205: ... And I thought that Bright has the worst ideas. We have another room to fix, thank you so much.



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