Part 13

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Author: Ok, lets do this quick!

953: Not fair! There is no way that somebody in that short amount of time would do that! You only want to protect yourself!

Author: Whatever, lets start with questions from Gevon5566600

Author: Whatever, lets start with questions from Gevon5566600

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953: Uhm...

5205: *Stands in front of her and shotgun and destroys the weapon* No. I ship it.

Author: Why?!

5205: You both look cute together.

Author: -_-

953: I know, but thanks!

682: I did that few days ago with 5205. Haven't you heard about that? All newspapers were talking about it. "The hero of our planet rides on a giant reptile near the White House".

5205: Yea, and it was amazing.

John: Uhm, I don't need that. 5205, could you?

5205: Sure. *Melts the detonator* And that weapon looks really cute.

 *Melts the detonator* And that weapon looks really cute

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5205: I have visited her lately. I am currently working with her to make her powers less effective, so she can participate in Ask in the future.



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