Part 67

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Author: Wait what?! *A tiny version of him appears* Wow

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Author: Wait what?! *A tiny version of him appears* Wow...

953: Look at my tiny version, she is so cute!

Author: I guess that people really wanted us to have kids... *Looks at his tiny version writing a mini story* The problem is... That I have no fucking clue how to take care of myself that is smaller than me!

5205: *Tries to prevent his tiny version from killing tiny Bright* I know that you hate him, but try to calm down.

Bright: Yeah, better take care of your stupid kid 5205.

5205: ... Did you just... Call my tiny version, and due to that me, stupid...?

Bright: ... *Tries to run away*

Author: *Traps Bright in an invisible box* Go for it.

5205: Tiny me, you can do it.

Bright: You little... *Gets smashed with an anvil*


Author: *Watches it with everyone* Honestly? This one was way more thrilling than Happy Tree Friends, which at least was funny

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Author: *Watches it with everyone* Honestly? This one was way more thrilling than Happy Tree Friends, which at least was funny.



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