Broken brotherhood

621 14 14

076: For fuck sake Cain put this gun down!

073: No, this has to end.

076: You know that you are immortal, don't you?

073: No. Others cannot hurt me. But I can hurt and kill myself.

076: And you are going to kill yourself?

073: Isn't that something you always wanted? To see me dead?

076: ... Brother, stop.

073: No. I won't stop. I have tried to gain your forgiveness for over 7000 years. I saw everything. The Great Flood, Creation of writing, death of many animals, death of everyone I truely cared about, all possible wars, what's more, when Hiroshima got nuked, I was there! Nothing could kill me, because I didn't want to die. But now, I don't care anymore.

076: Cain no!

073: It is pointless anyway. Goodbye, brother. *Pulls the trigger*

076: No!

5205: Ok, I arrived at the perfect moment.

073: ... What did you do 5205?

5205: I have created a shield around your body, that blocked the bullet.

073: ...

5205: Cain, Abel, lets go, we need to talk.

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