Part 29

353 10 22

Author: Ok, who gave 999 tomato juice to drink?!

Bright: Uhm...

Author: No... I am so done with you Bright... Now you have crossed the line...

Bright: Wait! It wasn't me, but I saw a person, that did it!

Author: Who was that?

Bright: D-15537.

Author: 953, is he telling the truth?

953: Yes.

Author: Alright, we will take care of him later, now lets answer few questions.


Author: Fuck me

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Author: Fuck me...

953: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) As you wish.

Author: No, it was a joke!

5205: *Grabs Author and puts him with 953 in a closet*

682: Yea, I know, it was awesome to be honest, but my body still hurts.

5205: I wouldn't believe that. I could believe, that you have destroyed that amount of universes, but definitely not Multiverses, because in the entire Megaverse there had been only 6 Multiverses since it was created, and only one got destroyed since this time. Another one will be born soon, so it will be the seventh one. And you cannot survive outside of the Megaverse, because it is the border of the world of living beings. After you cross the border, you will join the afterlife. You will instantly die and what's worse, everyone in Megaverse will forget about you. That is the worst fate in this world.

035: I would love to, but she is on holidays. Maybe in future, when she comes back.

106: It cannot be that bad.

*One simulation later*

106: *Hides in the corner* What... was this giant mushroom...?

105: Nuclear bomb.

106: ... I know that I shouldn't drink, but can you please, give me some alcohol?

5205: Wait. *Opens the Multiversal chest and hides it later* There. Don't ask me how it is possible, but it is. 100% of pure alcohol. Just for you.

106: *Starts drinking it* Thanks...

076: Uhm... Since 5205 defeated Scarlet King and humanity united, most of us are not contained anymore. It also includes me. I am living peacefully in New York at this moment.

5205: *Gets grabbed* I am only stopping 682 from killing everyone, that's all. If you want some fun, then I don't have any problems with that, as long as it doesn't include 682 destroying everything. And now... *Tries to cut the strings* As I expected. Time for plan B. Start umd.uep. Teleport entity-5205 ~ ~ 5m. *Gets teleported* Much better.

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