Part 25

449 13 53

Author: Ok, I have lost a bet with 5205, he will be the one, that will choose the order of questions. This will end badly for me, I am sure about that.

5205: We will start with... Oh. This one will be good. Lets start with questions from Chara57

 Lets start with questions from Chara57

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457: The answer is simple. It feeds me. It is like a food for me, and everyone loves food.

Author: I like this set of questions and dares.

682: ...

106: Dare is a dare 682.

682: ... Fine!

2662: To be honest, I hate it. Seriously, their rituals are... Weird.

5205: Yes, if I become very old I will die. I am not immortal, just impossible to kill. And to be honest, I could reverse the time to return back to live, but I won't do that.

Author: And I don't like this set of questions anymore...

682: Do it.

Author: ... I could... But she wouldn't handle that.

953: Oh, what are you going to do?

Author: Something, you cannot even imagine.

953: And I thought that you are so innocent...

Author: Because I am. But I have to do this dare, so... This night will be interesting, I can promise you that.

953: I am waiting then...

106: Dear 343, can you do that somewhere else?

Author: Don't worry, we won't do that here.

106: I meant the conversation...

Author: Yea, sure, as long as they don't destroy anything

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Author: Yea, sure, as long as they don't destroy anything.

5205: I have a better idea. I will put 682 in a dress for 6 Asks.

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