Part 46

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Bright: *Hides in the corner*

5205: Well, I brought him back to life, but now he is afraid of me.

Bright: You are a psychopath!

5205: Oh Bright, you should be happy that Author agreed on that deal to bring you back.

Author: Anyway, can we start? I don't have a lot of time today.

5205: Sure, lets start with questions from iamPESTILENCE

5205: *Facepalm* I think that I have explained that few parts ago

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5205: *Facepalm* I think that I have explained that few parts ago. Omniverse doesn't end, it is infinite. While 343 created it, few bugs appeared in it. It like Minecraft. The world is infinite, but it generates only to a certain value. On 32 bit computer it is over 2 billion blocks, on 64 bit it is over 9×10^18 blocks. Now imagine that the Omniverse was created with a computer, which has infite amount of bits. It means, that it will never end. And after you cross a certain part of the Omniverse, you will experience bugs. One of them is, like you said, an illusion of Omniverses. Sadly, there is only one Omniverse, which is infinite, because there must exist a maximum value for something, and that value is an Omniverse. And before somebody asks, shouldn't 343 fix these bugs? Well, yes, but it is not necesarry. These bugs appear in a very deep part of the Omniverse, where nobody lives. And second of all, these bugs are an attracion in the afterlife. I think that's all.

Author: You have even more questions 5205.

5205: Ok: 1, Yes, I know, but I made a deal with the Entity and all killers from it's reality, that they won't interfere in my universe, and for that I won't annihilate them all. 2: *Creates another shield around nukes to contain their explosion* Thanks, but I can handle that.

953: It was amazing!

Scarlet King: ... It is pointless anyway. I don't need these powers anymore, even if my soul wasn't cracked, 5205 could kill me with a snap of his fingers.

Author: As I said few parts ago, I knew that people won't forgive me that. But I have to answer, so one, it was great, and two, yes, we are both SCPs after all. *Pets 953*

5205: Wait, how are you an SCP?!

Author: I can open portals to this universe, but as long as Foundation in my universe doesn't know about that, I should be fine.

049: ... And what am I supposed to do with that?! Thank you, but I already have that in my house!

5205: She says that she hates it, because she looks like a robot and not like a statue.

106: I will drink this later, but thanks.

035: Yes, that's depressing, but I am getting used to it. I guess that love is not for me. And her name is Ellie.

Ellie: Well, they offered a good salary, and I always wanted to be a researcher.

999: ... Do you think that I am stupid? I can easily smell alcohol in it.

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