682-1: Why do you always torture me?!
Author: Because you always destroy everything. From now on, if there is a question to everyone, you cannot answer on it.
682-1: ...
Author: Anyway, first set of questions from iamPESTILENCE
5205: What?! *Dissapears*
682-1: Heheheh, now nothing stops me from killing all of you!
Author: We have defeated you three days ago, so we will defeat you again.
682-1: If you are so sure about that, then prove it! *Attacks Author*
Author: *Wants to dodge, but 682 is frozen and cannot move* What?
682-1: What is that?!
5205: Sorry, not today.
682-1: How?! He erased you from time and space!
5205: I know. Normally, it would take me few minutes to come back, because connection is weak in the Multiversal void, but I had an idea, which saved me some time.
682-1: ... What did you do?
5205: I have killed myself and came back to my save point in this universe. Simple.
682-1: ... Fuck my life.
5205: *Hits 682-1 and reduced his mass by 99%*.
682-1: I hate you so much...
5205: And he won't be a problem anymore. And second of all, I am not a jerk bro!
682-1: Ugh... I don't know, I have never met him. And I don't have that power anymore, 5205 erased it long time ago to make sure, that I won't destroy anything.
Bright: I have singed a pact with SCP-738 to do that.
173: *Tries to run away*
5205: *Closes her with 131s* As you wish my friend.
Ask/Dare SCPs and author
FanfictionSCPs who you can ask questions: SCP-001 "Scarlet King" SCP-001 "Gate Guardian" SCP-035 SCP-049 SCP-049-J SCP-053 SCP-066 SCP-073 SCP-076 SCP-079 SCP-085 SCP-096 SCP-105 SCP-106 SCP-131 SCP-166 SCP-173 SCP-191 SCP-353 SCP-457 SCP-529 SCP-68...