Part 84

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Author: Okay, I haven't touched this in how long...?

073: Since May, it has been approximately 6 months since the last update.

Author: ... Okay I should have done this sooner, but... Oh well, let's do it today and I am going to try a different style for this ask. So, first set of questions from hipess0a

"clef: marry me :3? I do whatever you want so marry me please"

Alto Clef: The women I loved and wanted to marry are all dead, I don't think you are willing to take this risk on yourself.

"Bright: what is your favorite ship with you?"

Jack Bright: Obviously me and Mal0, but SCP-035 and SCP-049 has a second place on my list.

SCP-049: I promise I will cure you out of Pestilence one day.

Jack Bright: I would love to see you try.

"Author: which researcher do you hate?"

Author: Jeez, that's a hard question... In this universe it used to be Bright, but now we are living in peace, so I don't know... Probably that guy who gave vodka to SCP-999 and told him that it was a delicious sweet juice.


"A: Hey, you guys know this fantastic man right here? *Pulls the Eleventh Doctor into the Ask*"

SCP-073: I do, but without 5205 it will be difficult to send him to another universe.

"To All: Have you met your canon selves yet? Also, Music Time."

Author: I will check it after the ask and tell you in a private message, I have something to do today anyway.

"Have y'all met the Doctor yet?"

SCP-2662: Yes, we did. It also wasn't the only time, we have met him in the past multiple times.


"5025: What's your thought ln 3812 aka "the dude who transcends narratives" and are you stronger than him? like can you beat him in a battle?"

SCP-OC-5025: *Finishes reading the report* To be honest, I am not sure. Theoretically speaking yes, because I am a megaversal being, while he is universal, maybe multiversal, but I cannot say it with 100% confidence.


"???: *Busts through a wall, revealing: A large black catlike biped [male], five cats (four males and a female, a Mask-&-Mantle [male], Ginger [male], smaller Ginger [male], another Ginger somewhere in between [male] and a calico [female]), an Ent dressed in an FBI costume wearing shades, a grey bowler hat and with a cheese-coated mustache (male), a Jersey Devil (male), a fox in shining armor (male) and a plethora of shadowy creatures.Black catlike biped: Howdy! The name is Anindya, omniversal, and these are Oscar the M&M, Ginger the redundent ginger-Ginger: Really?Anindya: Dave the tiny Ginger, Tufty the short cowboy.Tufty: Also called Cooley!-Anindya: And my love the pretty calico known as Sparta. The Ent is known as Mista Senor Monsieur Leef, the Jersey Devil is...Jersey Devil. The fox is Lance, and these are the nightmares of the Deep Dark.Midnight Basilisk: In his house at Rl'ye-Sparta: Shut up. Sorry for not getting here sooner. We were dealing with another Omniversal War, with the three-headed brother of Anindya."

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