Part 2

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Author: 19, 20, 21, we are missing one person, where is Bright?!

Bright: *Runs to the room at the maximum speed* Sorry, I am late.

Author: Ok, we have everyone now, and we have more questions today! Lets start with questions from Gevon5566600 to 106, 049 and 096.

Author: Ok, we have everyone now, and we have more questions today! Lets start with questions from Gevon5566600 to 106, 049 and 096

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106: Yes, I am from France, that's correct. And second question... What?! What do you mean they surrendered?!

Author: Their defences failed because enemy attacked them from another country and soldiers weren't prepared for this.

106: ... Please, tell me that it wasn't Germany that attacked us from Belgium again.

Author: Uhm, sorry man, but that's exactly what happened.

106: ...Fuck.

049 My dear, I am not curing these, who are unkind

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049 My dear, I am not curing these, who are unkind. If I was doing that, I would have to cure the entire world. I am curing the criminals, for example murderers.

 I am curing the criminals, for example murderers

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096 I-I am sorry... I-I...

5205: Shh, it is alright man, it was in the past. Everything will be ok.

Author: Please, don't remind him about the past, he is on a therapy trying to fix his mistakes. And reminding him about that won't help at all.

682: Then why don't I have a therapy about my hate to the humanity?!

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