Part 71

222 5 54

Author: I am so glad that today I don't have to do everything you tell me to do 5205. The last time was a disaster.

5205: I agree, 953 didn't become pregnant so it was a fail.

953: Fuck off 5205.

5205: Don't worry, next time it will work. Now... Author, could you reveal today's questions?

Author: Sure, lets start with questions from iamPESTILENCE

Author: Sure, lets start with questions from iamPESTILENCE

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5205: Hello... Is it me you're looking for?

173: ... I hate him, and you know that!

5205: Don't worry, if something goes wrong I will teleport both of you away from each other.

939: Definitely not me.

106: Alright, lets check this meme... Author, could you click on the link?

Author: No.

106: What? Why not?

Author: Because as an Arch-Karcist of Rick Ashley I have memorized this link and there is NO FUCKING WAY that I will click an obvious rickroll.

5205: Wait, this link is a rickroll?

Author: Yep, with over one billion views. I am not clicking that.

049: Your nick is "iamPESTILENCE" and you say, that Pestilence isn't real? Isn't this an irony?

035: Is this another rickroll?

Author: I don't know, lets see, I have to type it manually anyway... and paste... Luckily not this time.

035: *Watches the video* That didn't happen in my universe, don't blame me!

5205: What kind of drill? Also, 735, don't you fucking dare...

735: Fine... He probably wouldn't understand the insult anyway.

Author: *Pulls out a bat* Apologize, now.

735: For what?!

Author: For the sneaky insult.

735: ... Fine, I am sorry. Also you are a bitch Author.

Author: Yeah, sure. *Gives a microphone to a trash can* Would you like to say something else 735?

735: ...

Author: 738 is not in this Ask, sorry. You have to find him somewhere else.


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