Part 1

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Author: Alright, I have great news!

682: Humanity started a nuclear war?

Author: Even better, we have got few questions to answer!

096: I... Didn't scare them away...?

Author: No you didn't, and you even got a personal question for yourself!

096: ... Really?

Author: Yes, now, lets start!

Question number one from SarcasmQueen247

Author: Alright, so lets make this a question for everyone

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Author: Alright, so lets make this a question for everyone. I will answer first, blue.

035: Yellow.

049: Brown. I don't know why, but brown is my favorite color.

073: The same as author, blue.

076: Red.

079: Orange.

096: Green... I like green....

105: Pink of course!

106: Black. It fits everything.

5205: 173 cannot talk, so I will tell what he thinks: Yellow. And for me, my favorite color is green.

682: Black. The color of my soul. If I have a soul of course.

811: Grin. (Green)

939: Red. The color of my skin.

953: Orange.

999: Orange!

682: Wait, when did he learn how to talk?

5205: I have helped him shape his mass inside into vocal instruments, so he can normally speak.

682: Great...

1471: Purple.

Luna: I also like purple.

John: Dark blue.

Dr Ellie: Yellow.

Dr Bright: Red.

Dr Clef: Brown.

Author: Ok, that was an easy question, another question is from Gevon5566600 for 096.

Author: Ok, that was an easy question, another question is from Gevon5566600 for 096

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096: I... Don't like talking about that...

Author: Sadly you have to answer on this question.

096: ... 1529... He... Wasn't the one who changed me into this... Thing... Yes... I was one of the mountaineers... 1529 was with me... But it was him who caused all of that...

Author: Who?

096: ... Scarlet King... He is... The one responsible for that...

5205: Hey, I think that I have some good news for you. I have killed him yesterday.

096: ... Really?

5205: Yea.

096: Thank you... Thank you!

5205: You are welcome, I guess.

682: Wait, you have killed my father?!

5205: Uhm, yea...

682: ...

5205: ...

682: Thanks. You did me a favour.

Author: Ok and the last question from Chara57 for... Oh wait, we have three question from him!

049: In this century only 239, mainly from class D personel

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049: In this century only 239, mainly from class D personel. However in total, it would be, uhm, at least 20 000, I have lost the count.

106: Yes, I would go fight again, but what do you mean by World War? You mean the Great War? And why first?

Author: Uhm, 106, there is something you need to know. After Great War ended in 1918, another war, even bigger started 21 years later in 1939. That's why they are called World War I and World War II.

106: Are you kidding me?! All of that fighting for a global peace was pointless?!

Author: Yea, and there is a possibility of Third World War in the future.

106: ... God damnit.

682: I think that you have already answered on that question. You humans fight with one another without a reason! That's why I hate you all!

Author: This one time I have to agree with you 682. Anyway, thank you for your questions readers, if you write more, we will gladly answer on them! Bye!

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