Chapter 7 [Edited]

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I wasn't expecting for my friends to be stood around in the kitchen, Darren taking drags of a cigarette one morning. He was leaning out the window but the room still stank.

Jacob was following me closely, within an arms grasp away- where he normally was. With just one look at my friends, I knew he would bolt. I moved quickly and secured him by my side.
"Hey. It's okay. These are my friends."
"Dude. You've got a shadow?" Hunter chuckled.
"Eh. Rob's orders. Which reminds me." I turned to the young boy, "Wait here, I'll be back in a moment."

Jacob hadn't left my side since he arrived. Even though he'd been here 3 days I could tell he didn't trust anyone except me. There were a few fleeting moments where he'd leave me to cook breakfast for the house without being asked or to cry in his newfound sanctuary (a space between his wardrobe and wall) but if anyone approached him with so much as a straight face, he'd clutch onto me and not let go for hours.
I was worried. October half term was nearly over and Jacob wouldn't cope when I went back to school. He could barely talk to me, let alone Rob or any of the other kids his age. He'd had to transfer schools too. He just wasn't ready. I expressed as much to Rob.
"We don't have a lot of options Nate. You know that. You know what he's been though. You saw the bruising. You can see how he acts. We can't risk him bumping into anyone he knows that might've been involved. We don't know who else did that to him. He's barely spoken a word since he got here. We just don't know."
"We've got to do something!"
"All we can do Nate, is let Jacob try. We've got to start putting him in situations where he isn't comfortable. Whether he gets to school on Monday or not doesn't matter. He can start school anytime. But you can't hide him away forever."
I thought for a moment.
"What if we introduced him to Lewis? I told him I would at some point anyway. And if they're going to the same school he can have Lewis there for support."
"It's worth a shot. I'll give your mother a call." He winced. I laughed.
"Thanks Rob. You're the best." The less contact I had with my mum, the better.

When I wandered back into the kitchen, Jacob wasn't where I left him. It took me a moment to find him but when I did I wanted to punch myself for being so idiotic. I shouldn't have left him here alone.
"What did you do to him!" I growled. "You've no idea what he's been through!"
Jacob had curled himself into the tightest ball possible, shaking ind crying into his knees. He'd pushed himself as far away from my  friends as possible.
"Chill. We ain't done nothin'. He just started crying." As I crouched down in front of the cowering boy, I sent the middle finger Hunters way. Jacob flinched away from me.
"I'm not angry with you Jacob. I could never be angry with you. You're scared. I get it. I really do. But you're safe. I would never take you around some one who could hurt you, okay?" Nodding slightly, Jacob allowed me to scoop him up onto my hip. I could feel his tears falling onto my shoulder. "It's okay Jake. I've got you."
"Man you're so soft. You never used to be this weak."
"Hunter. Don't. You've no idea what he's been though, alright? So just leave it." I couldn't believe my friend. He should know not to push this kind of thing with me.
"Someone's got their nickers in a twist." He grumbled. That was it. I'd had enough. I dumped Jacob on the table before storming over to where Hunter lounged against the counter. I pulled his collar so that he was inches from my face and spat "I said don't. I never asked you to come here. If you don't like it, get out." 
There was a brief second where I thought Hunter might've punched me. I could see him clenching his jaw and the pure hot anger in his eyes. That was until I saw the mocking lying beneath the green orbs.
He thought I was joking.
"Let's bounce boys. We'll come back once he's realised he's being pathetic."
As Hunter left he bumped my shoulder with his own.
Damien and Hunter left without a glance my direction but Darren hung back.
Darren had always been the gentler of the three amigos. I remember the first time I met them, he was the one I felt I could talk to most. He wasn't going to rat me out to the others. He was just easier to be around. He got me.
"I'm sorry man. Hunter shoulda known not to take a jab at you like that. The people here have it rough. I'm guessing this little guy no less."
"Yeah. Thanks. I told him he could mock me all he wants but not to touch this place- my past- my family. These people that live here are my family now. I gotta look after them."
"We know you man. He's just being a dickhead."
I punched him in the arm.
"Language! I don't mind it but there's an eight year old sat right behind you."
"Oh yeah. Sorry- hey whilst I'm here did you want to play on your Xbox?"

I grabbed a chocolate bar for Jacob from the fridge whilst we were talking- one of Rob's not so secret stash. I passed it over to him with a grin.
"Shh. Don't tell Rob."

Over the weekend, Jacob warmed up to me and my friends slightly. Unfortunately he didn't trust them. Hunter the very least and he was still as shy and quiet as ever. I could see the fear in his stature  diminish slightly as each day passed. 
but he had every right to be scared- new evidence had been enlightened to us that his father would be in prison for more that just drug handling.

'Jacob. I'm going to ask you this straight up." He cowered away from Rob. "Did your dad ever hit you?"
"I... I can't tell you."
"You know how your dad has a trial coming up because he was handling those drugs? He might end up being released which means you will get to go back home. There's nothing we can do until you tell us what he's done to you."

I hadn't been allowed to know what Dean, Jacob's father, had done to him but it must have been bad for it made Rob come out of the office 2 hours later with red puffy eyes and shaky hands. He didn't utter a word for the rest of the night.

The dreaded Monday morning rolled around as quick as the weekend had come. I wasn't ready for the holiday to end- especially now most of my focus was on Jacob. He had quickly become my little brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him. He wasn't ready for school yet but he was slowly opening up to some of the kids his age.
I ended up forcing myself out of the black dreamland by rolling off the edge of the bed onto the floor with a thud, still wrapped up in the duvet. "Ow." I rubbed my elbow trying to release some pain.

Well at least now I'm awake.

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