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Aidan pov

Get in and get out. You're only here for the memory stick. I tried to calm my breathing as I neared the front door to the haunted house of my childhood. Get in and get out.
My dad should be at work right now. That means it should be safe to enter. Right? Nate doesn't know I'm here. He thinks I've just gone on a walk to clear my head after a hard day at school. It wasn't exactly a lie, I'd walked around the village trying to stop panicking about running into my father. Now I was here, my fear was skyrocketing. I pulled Nate's hoodie up to my nose, the scent calming me instantly. Get in and get out.
I'd left my crutches at home. I was wearing a boot on my right foot and my stomach pain had decreased significantly in the past few days. Having crutches would only slow me down. And here, I couldn't be slow.
As usual, the spare key was hidden under the plant pot. Bingo. The shabby door loomed over me as I pushed it open. It didn't break for once. Excellent.

The hall light was on. Strange. My dad never had the hall light on, unless he was home.
No. He can't be home. He worked 'till 5. The times he was at work was the only blissful paradise I got. The only other time was when my step-mum stepped in (that was rare because she was often not home).
Despite knowing my father couldn't be home, I crept up the dank stairs silently still. Only when I was at the top did I know I was safe. I could see the room I'd called my bedroom for my whole life. It was right at the end of the small hall.
I knew exactly where my USB was. It would be under the far corner of my bed, where my father would never find it.

Except it wasn't there.

My whole room wasn't there.

Where there once a wardrobe, a bed, a tattered rug, there was nothing but empty space and dust. Not even the photo I kept of my family was there. Nothing.
He'd thrown away any last evidence that I'd even existed. He lied. He never loved me.
I collapsed on the floor, all my adrenaline suddenly gone. I needed a minute to collect my jumbled thoughts. I was angry. I was sad. I was disgusted.

What I couldn't get over, was the fact my father had thrown my existence in the bin like I was nothing. Like I was something to be tossed aside and forgotten about. Like a piece of shit.

I slunk back downstairs towards my dads office. The only other place my memory stick could be was there. Lord help me if it was there.

Deep, I took a breath in before pushing open the door to my dads office.

And I stared right into the eyes of the monster himself.

My breath hitched in my throat. I couldn't speak. I was paralysed by instantaneous fear.
He was shocked, to say the very least, as he looked up from his computer screen. That shock transformed into rage, thick and primal, as his eyes turned from a light emerald to a rich jade in a quick flash.
"Aidan. Well well. Look who came crawling back." He spat, putting down his blue pen.
"Hi dad." I croaked, my voice barely audible.
My father stepped closer to my shaking body, brushing his finger down my now clear cheek softly.
"Such a shame you had to disobey me." He tutted. "But I'm going to enjoy this. Just as much as you enjoy Carl's visits." He laughed maniacally. "Step out into the kitchen, against the wall. Now."
"No? You're my son! You do as I say!"
"I'm not your son anymore." My voice wavered. "You've got rid of me out your life. I don't have to do what you say anymore. I just came here for something and then I'm gone."
"You mean this?" He said, pulling out the little red memory stick from his jean pocket. My Face fell. He knew. What was on that memory stick could save me and he knew it. He had the upper hand. He always had. "You really think I'm going to give this you? So you can run crying to the police and get me locked up? You're delusional!" He laughed.
I stayed silent.
"You left me!" He screamed, his face contorting with tears of anger "You left me! You love me! Why do you not love me like I do?"
"I don't love you. I hate you. You ruined my life."
"All I ever tried to do is help you be better! And you repay me by leaving me!" His voice deepened. "I've been on the run from the police! I've lost everything! My job! Your mother! Carl! You. You were all I've ever had! You were supposed to me mine! Forever!" He cried, barring his teeth inches from my face. I cowered towards the wall slightly.

Suddenly he grabbed at my left ankle, lifting it to his face. I fell backwards, landing on my wrist. Screams filled my ears. They were mine.
"You're mine Aidan! This proves it! You can't leave me! I'll find you. I'll always find you." I whimpered as he gripped my ankle tightly. Too tightly. "I'm going to make your life a living hell." He spat as he crouched down to my level. "You're going to wish you had never been born. When you're weak enough and can't fight me, we're leaving. Where the police will never find me. And you'll be with me forever. The way it's meant to be."

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