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Aidan pov

"Aidan! Your mum's here!" Rob called from downstairs.
I took one last look in the green framed mirror, staring at empty space behind me, the bed stripped down to the mattress, the few paintings that had been on the walls taken down and put into boxes along with my clothes and bedding. I took a deep breath in; I had to keep this facade in front of my mum. She couldn't know how nervous I actually was.

Since I'd met Nate, my life took me in a whirlwind of an adventure. No more was the boy who cowered away from everyone and everything, his body covered in cuts and bruises. Instead there stood the juxtaposition, the oxymoron of my petrified persona. I was brave and strong and no longer scared of everything around me. I was free.

Nathan wandered in a few seconds later, hugging me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.
"You ready to go baby?  Everything packed up?" I smiled, nodding. I was going to miss being with Nathan around the clock. "I'm so proud of you Aidan. Your such a wonderful person. You have such a beautiful soul." I turned round to face my boyfriend.
"Yours is beautiful too. Even if you don't think so." He kissed me softly, my hand wandering into his hair. I was going to miss our intimacy.

"I'm assuming you'll be wanting this back." Nate said, pulling out my memory stick from his pocket. "The police gave it back last night. Don't worry, I didn't look at it."

I took the small stick from the palm of Nate's hand and stared at it for a moment. All my nightmares were on this small object. Everything my father had done to me since I was 10 years old when I bought it.

But that wasn't my life anymore. It was only a distant memory, an artefact like the ancient Egyptians with their hieroglyphics. I'd changed. My father was gone. I didn't have live in fear anymore.

I pocketed the memory stick before picking up one of my cardboard boxes and heading for the door.
You've been good to me, room. Thank you.

Nate pushed me back into my bed, kissing me hungrily, his eyes full of lust and love.
"God I love you Aidan." I let out a groan in reply as he attached his lips to my neck.

Jacob snuggled further into my embrace as I read him monkey puzzle. He told me it was his favourite book from when his mum was alive. It was a book for toddlers but he was upset and wanted a reminder of his mum. To be fair to Jacob, I still read my favourite child's book every once in a while: the tiger who came to tea. Man was that tiger hungry!

Me and Nate carried the three heavy boxes down the stairs to where my mum awaited. I wasn't ready to leave Nathan but I was ready for a new start, away from the streets my father and I had once roamed.

I was going to live with my mum. I realised when I first saw her, how much I actually missed having motherly love and a mother figure in my life- even if it could be overbearing. She'd always given me a million and one hugs each day, wishing me a wonderful day at school in the morning and tucking me in bed at night so that I'd have sweet dreams. You don't realise how much you miss something until you can get it back.

"Hey superstar. Need any help with the boxes?" My mum asked from the bottom of the stairs.
"No. I'm good thanks. Nate might need a box taking off of him though." He'd carried two boxes down the stairs, refusing to let me take a second trip back to fetch it.
"So you're Nathan are you? You're more handsome that Aidan described!" She squealed, taking a box off Nate's hands.
"Thank you Cassandra, Ma'am." As we conversed, we took the boxes to the boot of my mother's Volvo.
"Oh please. Call me Cassie. Cassandra's too posh and ma'am makes me feel old!"
"Thank you for agreeing to look after Aidan, Cassie. He deserves to be loved after everything."
"I want to thank you Nate for caring for Aidan whilst I was unable to. It means a lot to know my boy was being looked after."
"It's no problem. Aidan's the best." He pulled me into a hug. "I'm going to miss him."


After saying goodbye to everyone in the house, it was nearing the part I'd been dreading: leaving Nate. I was moving a few hours away so I wouldn't be able to see him very often. I was going to miss him. So much.
Rob patted me on the back, telling me he was proud of me and that he would miss me.
Jacob hugged me round the waist, crying into my shirt.
"Don't go! Who will eat chocolate with me? And watch movies with me?"
I smiled. "Nate's going to take good care of you Jake. Don't worry. I'll visit. And I'm sure that Georgie would love to spend time with you." He blushed. He had a crush on her. I was sure if it.


"I bought you a phone aid. It's got mine and Rob's phone numbers on so you can keep in touch." Nathan produced a phone from Rob's office and handed it to me.
"Thank you Nathan. I'm going to miss you so much."
"I'm going to miss you too. But I'll visit. And I'll call everyday. But you're going to be so happy living with your mum."
"I hope you get to go home soon too Nate. You deserve it."
"I hope so too."
"Bye Nathan."
"Bye aid..." both me and Nate sighed and pulled each other into a bone crushing hug. Neither of us were ready to leave each other. "I love you Aidan. Don't ever forget it."
"I love you too Nathaniel."
"Say it again."
"I love you Nathaniel."

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