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Aidan pov

"Right. That should be the last check up you need Aidan. I've got your pain meds and you can get back to exercising regularly in a week or so. Just watch how much you walk until then."

It's been 2 months since my father was arrested. It's been a long and hard 2 months.
After my father was carted off in the back of a police car, I collapsed, worn out physically and emotionally.
I couldn't get his words out my head: "I'm sorry for everything AJ."
After everything he put me through and how ever much he had claimed to hate me, he still remembered the good times. If my dad wasn't so addicted to violence, then maybe we could've continued having the good times at AJ's milkshake shack. That's what broke me. The hope. The revelation that we could've been a normal family. I could've lived everyday free and happy, enjoying the spontaneous trips to AJ's.

I'd had to have surgery on my already damaged ankle and my wrist because of the damage he inflicted. I was in casts for 6 weeks and splints for another 2. Nathan insisted on treating me like I was tissue paper. He'd ensure that I wasn't in pain, that I was not thirsty or hungry, and his touches were extremely light and gentle- it was sweet but it got kind of annoying. I didn't want to be treated as if I could break at a single touch. I was stronger than that. I realise that now.
Nate's face had been bruised and slightly puffy for a week after he was hit- he told everyone he got in a fight protecting me, and I could see his ego inflating with every 'that's awesome dude' he received.

I'd had to face my father again in trial and testify against him. That was the hardest day- not the days where the police questioned me for hours on end or the days where memories would set me off crying. Seeing my fathers hesitant face as he sat in the stands, his strong persona shattered to reveal the aged man he'd become. He had big bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept a wink and his hands shook in his lap. That was the hardest. He genuinely looked like he regretted everything he'd done over the last few years, for every mark he'd ever put on my skin. He'd started crying partway through my speech because he finally understood how much he'd actually rocked my world and destroyed my childhood. He'd broken me and now I had to rebuild myself, with help from Nathan and Jacob and Rob.

"Thanks Dr Hart. It feels good to finally have the splints off." I smiled. I was virtually pain free and I could finally relax without restrictions- from fear of being hurt or the splints.
"Like I said, no strenuous activity for a week or two and you should be all good to go. Good luck Aidan."


I huddled up next to Nate who was lying on top of his large black duvet, throwing a tennis ball up into the air. He turned towards me, a smile forming in his face, his arm snaking round my waist.
"Hi baby. How'd the checkup go?" He sponged a kiss to my cheek.
"Great thanks. I don't need to go back again. And I don't need splints any more."
"That's amazing. And it means I can do this, without them getting in my way." A sexy smirk plastered its way onto Nate's face as he dropped the tennis ball on the floor and flipped us over so that he was straddling my waist.
"I love you Aidan. I love you so so much." He attached his lips to mine, kissing me deeply and passionately. Before I knew it, we were both topless and Nate was kissing down to my stomach. I laughed."Your perfect Aid. Don't ever change for anyone."
"I love you too Nathan."

The next morning I found myself resting my head on Nate's bare chest, holding onto him like a teddy bear. I smiled at the memories of last night. He was snoring softly into my hair and clutching my waist. I didn't want to move. Nate was being too cute. He looked so innocent with his hair flat against his forehead and his lips slightly parted, letting out a small snore.
"Nathan. I need the bathroom." He rolled over slightly, nuzzling his nose into my neck, mumbling something incoherent.
"Nate. Please. I really need the loo." Nate let go with a huff and pushed me out his bed. I landed on the grey carpet with a thud.
"You better not take too long." He grumbled a smile playing on his lips, "the bed's getting cold." I chuckled before padding from the room, pulling one of Nate's T-shirt's over my head. 

When I got back, Nate was sat on his sofa staring at the photo of him and his brother. 
"You took your time. Come here. I missed you." He held out his hands for me to fall into his embrace. I did so, resting my head on Nate's shoulder. We sat there for a while in a comfortable silence just listening to the sound of each other's breathing.
"Yah okay there Aid?"
I must have been subconsciously rubbing my left ankle because Nate rested his hand over mine, stopping any movement.
"I spent my whole life fearing the moment when he would walk through the door and make my life hell, but now that he's gone..."
"You miss him."
"It's strange. I hated him. But then maybe I just hated the things he did rather than who he was."
"He's your family. No matter how bad they treat you, you'll always love them. Like I love you. Even though you leave me to go to the toilet." He chuckled, kissing my cheek. I shoved him playfully in return. "Your so in for it now." He smirked, picking me up and tossing me on the bed.
There wasn't much stability in my life, but I knew that Nate would never stop loving me. And I wouldn't stop loving him either. That was certain.

Authors note

This is NOT the last chapter!  Phew. *wipes forehead* Thanks so much for reading. See you soon!💜

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