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Nate pov

Earlier that day

"Don't wait for me- after school that is. I need to go on a walk."
"Why? I can come with you if you like."
"No. No. It's fine. Just having a hard day I guess."
I could see straight through his lie. He'd looked down at the floor, twiddling with his foot- something he did when he was nervous. Or lying.

We were currently stood in the long queue to get dinner from our schools cafeteria. I was hoping that there was a pizza left that we could share- there usually wasn't but one can dream. I always loved schools pizza. It kept me going at my worst.
"Okay. Don't be long. It worries me when I don't know where you are." He didn't reply. He only shuffled forwards with the queue. "Aidan. Please don't go far, alright."
"Sure. Fine."
"I know you're only acting like this because you're worried or upset or something about your memory stick, but I'm only looking out for you." I was taken aback by Aidan's bluntness. He never speaks so coldly.
"You shouldn't worry about your memory stick Aid."
"I'm not worried about it. I'm petrified Nate. I'm petrified he's going to have found it and he'll be out looking for me, to rip me apart limb for limb and that I'll never escape the clutches of my father."


I stood by the front door, pacing. Aidan had been on a walk for well over two hours. It was getting dark.
"Don't worry Nate. I'm sure Aidan is on his way back. It's a safe neighbourhood."
"It's not safe with his father in it. He's not even been found by the police. He could be anywhere waiting for Aidan."
"I'm sure it's fine. If he's not back in ten minutes we'll go out looking for him."
Rob was wasting my time. For all I know, Aidan could be dead in the next ten minutes.

Those empty minutes dragged by slower and slower with still no sign of Aidan. I couldn't cope. The worry was eating me alive. I had one of Aidan's shirts in my hand in an attempt to calm me down, but it was useless. It only made my fear grow into a huge monster that loomed over me.
"Rob. Call the police. I think I know where Aidan is. If I'm not back outside Aidan's house with Aidan in 10 minutes, send the police in."
"I can't let you go in that house Nate. Let the police handle it."
"No. Aidan is in trouble. It won't work if the police barge in. It has to be me."


"Mr Greene. Step out of the car with your hands in the the air!" One of the police ordered. 2 police cars barricaded in the exit to the garage and another blocked the end of the road. There was no escape.
"You set me up! You're going to pay for this!" Thomas growled, turning towards me. "You've ruined everything! It's meant to be me and Aidan together!"
"Step out of the car Mr Greene, or we will be forced to move in."
The police stood ready, batons and tasers in their holders, their hands hovering over them attentively.
They expected him to fight- to run. But none of us expected him to surrender so easily.
Thomas step out of the car slowly, his hands shaking in the air, a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks.
Aidan followed suit except his hands were not raised. They were grasping for anything they could touch to keep him standing upright.

Clasping his hands in cuffs behind his back, the police were quick the arrest Aidan's father. Aidan and his dad stared at each other intently for a few moments, no hate to be seen between them.
"Why don't you love me Aidan? I love you! I only wanted what was best for you. " Thomas sobbed. Aidan was crying too.
"You never never would have hurt me if you wanted what was best for me."
"I do love you Aidan. I really do! I didn't mean to hurt you!"
"But you did hurt me. More than you ever realised."
"I loved you Aidan. I've always loved you."
"You didn't love me dad. Go with the police. You can't live like this, feeding yourself on lies and violence. If you really do love me, you'd get help."
"I'm sorry for everything AJ. I love you." The police walked him away to the back of the nearest police car and drove away.
"I loved you too." Aidan whispered. Only I heard.

Stood in the middle of the garage, me and Aidan hugged each other for dear life, Aidan bawling into my chest.
"He remembered Nathan. He used the nickname he used to call me all the time as a kid. He used to take me and mum out for milkshakes at AJ's milkshake shack and we'd laugh for hours. He remembered. He did love me."

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