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Aidan pov

"Mum?" The woman stood in front of me looked nothing like the mum I remembered. Her once short, dirty blonde curls were replaced by long, stark straight, bubblegum pink hair. She looked 20 years younger yet aged beyond her years.
"Aidan. Oh my god." Her eyes started to water as she pulled me into a hug, one that I didn't return.
What was I supposed to say to this woman?
I crutched my way to the sofa and sat down, all my energy suddenly drained. She'd squeezed my chest too hard and I was still in pain from my fathers anger. "I don't know what to say! My baby boy's all grown up! And so handsome too!"
"I'm not your baby boy. Sorry Cassie but you lost the title of mum the day you walked out that door and left me to dad. At least he stuck around no matter how bad of a father he is." Her face fell.
"I'm sorry Aidan-"
"Why'd you do it? Why'd you leave me when you knew how he was?" I whispered.
"I had nowhere to go. My parents had kicked me out the day I married Thomas. I knew when I left, I'd be leaving for nothing. I couldn't take you with me. I was living on the streets for the first few weeks and that was no place for a young child. When I'd finally found my feet, I came back for you but your father wouldn't even let me in the house. Said you didn't deserve such a treat as to see your mum. I tried year after year until Thomas put a restraining order against me. I'm sorry Aidan. I really am."
"I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you to stop you leaving."
"Aidan. You have nothing to be sorry for, alright? You were loyal and brave and loving. They aren't faults. You are the strongest boy I've ever met. And that's why I love you. So much. I've never stopped loving you Aidan."
"What are you saying?"
"I want you to come and live with me."

Nate pov

"I'm back!" I called into the empty hallway. Strange. Normally there's someone about. Rosie walked past, her nose stuck in a book.
"Oh. Hey Nate. Looking for Aidan?" I nodded yes, "he's in the office with some woman. I wouldn't go on there. They're both crying."
"He's crying?"
"Yeah. I just said that."
"Move." I shoved past her towards the office. I caught Rob's eye through the glass before I even had a chance to catch a glimpse of Aidan. He raised an eyebrow before stepping outside to meet me. "Aidan- is, is he okay? What's going on Rob? Who's that lady? You gotta let me comfort him Rob. It's hellish to see him crying and not be able to do anything-"
"No? What do you mean no. I can't stand seeing him hurting."
"Aidan can tell you everything later but this is too private to let you interrupt, no matter how much either of you may want it. Sorry Nate but I can't let you. Go get changed into something comfy and get a cup of hot chocolate. I'll send Aidan to you when we're done." I huffed in annoyance before trudging upstairs, my once chipper mood turned somber and glum.

Slumped over a steaming cup of hot chocolate, I stared into the abyss- thinking deeply about pain, abuse and love. How parents who are supposed to cherish and love their children yet many love nothing more than to cause everlasting damage to their spouses, their children- whether that be physical or emotional. I was neglected and abused, my conscious and unconscious thoughts slowly being turned against me. The cold hearted witch had managed to convince me I was a mere mistake, worth nothing more than the dirt under her shoe. And I'd succumbed.

Jacob and Aidan's fathers both beat their sons despite the close bond they should have shared. Apparently both men had their reasons. Dean, Jacob's dad, cursed the very ground Jacob walked on- blaming him for killing his wife, wanting nothing more than to make him pay. Aidan's father claimed to be making Aidan stronger even though all he was doing was breaking him down further.
However, no matter how much any one of us was abused there was one thing able to pull us out the gutter of our own emotion and break down the walls we'd built around ourselves for protection; love.

Love had saved me from drowning in my own self pity and stopped me from continuing my toxic relationship with drugs and alcohol.
Love had brought me and Aidan together, removing him from the vicious acts of his dad along with helping him find his true self again. And boy, was Aidan's true self beautiful: caring, compassionate and free.

I was pulled out my thoughts by a weak voice behind me.
"Nate? Are you okay?"

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