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Nate pov

I was worried sick. I hadn't been able to shake the feeling in my stomach all day and there was no possible way to contact Aidan. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Rob. I need to go out. I think somethings wrong with Aidan."
"You can't go out now. It's too dark. You'll see him at school tomorrow anyway."
"I'm going out Rob- with or without your permission. Ground me. Take away my phone. I don't care. I'm going to find Aidan."
"Fine. Get in the van. Do you know where he lives?"
"Mostly. He wouldn't let me drop him off at his house though."
"Give me a moment. I'll meet you in the car. I need to let Sharon know where we're going."
Waiting in the car was agony but I was sure Aidan was in much more pain. I just wanted to get going to find my boyfriend. I'd wasted too much time already. I was scared I was too late. Please be okay. Please Aidan. Be okay.

Trawling the streets, my panic increased drastically. There was so sign of anyone. No sign of life.
"I think we should call it a night Nate. There's no one-"
"There! Stop the car!" Before he'd even stopped I was out and running to the body on the pavement.
Oh god. I wanted to throw up. I was sure that I'd seen a ghost- anyone but Aidan.

Aidan didn't look anything like Aidan anymore; the skin that wasn't splattered blue and black, was as white as a sheet; his once blonde hair was matted red with his blood, barely any blonde left to be seen; his ankle wasn't set right and his pulse was almost non existent. His T-shirt was ripped to shreds, huge, gaping cuts on his stomach, bleeding out onto the pavement under his unconscious form. I pulled off my jacket and held it to the cuts firmly to try and stop the bleeding, my hands shaking wildly. What has he done to you Aid? This shouldn't be you. You should be laughing at my jokes not lying here cold and unconscious because of him.

"Hang on Aid. Help's coming. Hang on. Rob! We need an ambulance! Please stay with me Aidan. I can't live without you. Please! Oh God please. Don't leave. Please!" I grasped ahold of Aidan's feeble hand as the tears streaked my cheeks. He didn't deserve any of this. It should've been me. I shouldn't have let Aidan go home. This wasn't fair.
The faint sound of sirens in the distance pulled me out from my trance, staring at the near-lifeless body of my boyfriend.
"Keep fighting Aid. Help's almost here. Your so brave. Don't go. We can make it through this. Together. I love you. So much."

Rob had to pull me away from Aidan. I Daren't leave his side in case something happened to him.
"Let the paramedics do their job Nate. We'll meet them at the hospital. Come on." I was turned away from the scene: paramedics helping Aidan breathe whilst loading him onto a stretcher into the back of an ambulance.  Please be alright. I love you.

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