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Nate pov

As I pulled Aidan into my arms, I was surprised that he didn't flinch at my touch. His cuts and burns were still fresh and painful to look at- let alone his huge fear of people. Yet, he held on around my waist with an iron grip, comforting both me and him. I ran my fingers, barely touching, along his scars and cuts. Life was so cruel on such an innocent boy. It just wasn't fair. He didn't deserve it.
"Nathan, I'm sorry."
"Please don't say sorry. You've done nothing wrong. Now let's go outside and get some peace. This food hall gives me creeps." I laughed.

Turned out going outside was the best idea I could've had.
Snow swirled around us, dancing in the crisp winter breeze. Flakes landed is Aidan's unruly blonde curls and I laughed as his amazement of the unusual weather. I gathered up a small clump of snow off the ground and tossed it through the air to the awe inspired lad. It hit him right in the shoulder and he whimpered with the impact. He started to back away from me with fear in his once joyful eyes. This stopped my laughing immediately.
"Shit. I'm so sorry Aidan. Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you. Here, throw a snowball at me yeah?"
"You said you wouldn't hurt me..." he whispered. I'd broken his trust. This was not going to help him trust people more.
"I'd never purposely hurt you Aidan." I said grasping ahold of his shoulders to stop him from bolting. "Snowball fights are meant to be fun. They're not meant to hurt. I'm sorry."
"Don't do it again."
"I won't." I pulled him back into another hug. I could feel the goosebumps all over his body through his T-shirt. "You must be freezing!" I exclaimed, pulling off my hoodie. "Here. Take this."
My boyfriend- man that sounds so good to say- flatly refused and pushed it back into my chest. I sighed. He was being so stubborn. "Aid. Please. You need this more than I do. You have barely any fat on your bones to keep you warm. You should know, I never say please- except for you. Because you are so important."
"It's your hoodie- Nathan- if my father catches me in it- "
"He's not going to touch you. You're at school. He can't hurt you here. And, I'm here too. Just put it on." Reluctantly, he agreed. And boy did he look cute! The jacket engulfed Aidan, the neck hanging partially off his shoulder. The length reached almost to his knees but I loved it. I never thought giving away my hoodies would make me feel so happy. I need to do this more often. "Come on. We can go warm up in the library or we can make a snowman or summit. It's up to you."
"I'd like to go to the library. I have to take a book back anyway. The snows so beautiful but so so cold!" We laughed. I pulled Aidan into my side, leading him inside towards the library.

"Uh. Aidan? Where's the library?" He looked at me as if I'd gone mad. "What? I've never needed to go there before!" It's true. My friends were never ones to study, therefore I never wanted to study. The only time I'd studied was when I was living at home. And even then that wasn't good enough for my so called mother. I was pulled along to a door down the corridor to the left. It turns out, I've walked past the library more times than I could remember. Although, most days I was too buried in my head with emotion that I probably never noticed.

I let Aidan return his books before picking out a car magazine from the rack and took Aidan to the back corner where a large beanbag lay for us to sit on. I sat comfortably on the seat but Aidan stood there, unmoving. Gesturing for him to sit down, I managed to get him snuggled into my chest. He curled up in a ball and leant against my chest like a small child.
It was such a natural position for us to be in yet so alien at the same time. And I loved it. I loved him. Everything about Aidan made me giddy and happy and I was so happy he was my boyfriend.

Authors note: Happy Valentine's Day!! If your single, remember there's plenty more fish in the sea!!

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