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Really important authors note at the end of the chapter but for now, on with the story!

Nate pov

Why the fuck did he want to leave me? Was I nothing to him? I was supposed to care for Aidan. Not anybody else. He was my responsibility. Was I not good enough?
I pulled a bottle of beer from under my bed and took a large swig. I kept some bottles there for times such as these: times where I felt angry and betrayed. Finishing the bottle within a minute, I thrust the empty glass at the wall where it proceeded to smash into a thousand pieces, just like my heart, yelling as I did so. I grabbed another and downed that as quickly as the last. Maybe I am just the useless kid my parents wanted to get rid of. Maybe I should get rid of myself.
Without hesitation, I shattered the bottle over my head. The green shards of glass like small daggers against my skull. I screamed upon impact but quickly welcomed the dull ache as blood dripped down my forehead.
Two swift knocks were applied to my door. Probably Aidan begging for my forgiveness. As my vision blurred slightly, I stumbled to the door due to my slight intoxication and lightheadedness and flung the door back on it's hinges.
"What the hell has happened?" Rob hissed, "Aidan is downstairs whimpering and crying and you're up here getting drunk and smashing bottles! My office. Now."
"Whatever." I pushed past the old man and trudged my way downstairs into the dingy office and slumped onto the sofa. That was, until Aidan crutched in. Immediately, I shot up to the other side of the room as Aidan sat on the sofa, huffing with the effort. Rob tossed me a first aid kit and told me to clean up my head.
"You two are acting like children. Why? I expect as the oldest you'd set a good example to the others. This isn't acceptable."
"I-I don't know." Aidan sniffed. Pathetic.
"I'll tell you why. He's wanting to leave me for some bitch who left him in the lurch." I said, pointing a finger towards the cowering Aidan. "Not only that, but my mother has been nagging me to meet my new wife to be."
"What?" Both Rob and Aidan turned to face me suddenly, shock evident on both their faces.
"Long story short, my mother expects me to marry into a decent family- like an arranged marriage. The first girl my mum set me up with fell through because the girl, Nora, ran away from home  when she was 13 because she had a boyfriend and didn't want to marry me when she was older. Her parents persuaded her to come home if they called off the future wedding. I'd known her since I was born and she was more like a sister to me. She felt the same way."
"Is Lewis expected to forfill this?"
"No. The idea is to uphold a good family status and bring an heir to the family with the eldest child. My mother was the youngest sibling so she could marry anyone she fancied. Her older brother was not so lucky. He was forced to marry some obnoxious woman who cared more for her manicure than him."
"Is that legal? I thought arranged marriages were illegal?" Aidan piped in.
"If both parties consent without being pressured, it's legal. But that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. Or wrong."
"Do you want to uphold the family tradition? Because your mum can't force you right?" Aidan questioned, compassion in his eyes.
"That'd be illegal, but I can't send my family to prison. All I want is to be happy. And for my family to be happy. But I can't see that happening. Ever."
"Aidan. Can you leave me and Nate for a moment? I need a word."
Aidan got up without a fuss and left the room, probably to go cry in a corner somewhere.
Sitting down on his office chair, elbows resting on his knees in comprehension, Rob questioned me about my situation. In the end, we decided it was best for me to meet my fiancé and talk to her and my mother.
"Now. You and Aidan. Whatever's happened, you should put it behind you and move forward together. Aidan deserves a family- you and his mum will provide that for him. Give him a chance. Aidan's a good kid."
"Yeah. He is."

Aidan pov

The revelation of Nate's arranged marriage hit me like a tonne of bricks. My dreamlike state had come to an end. Soon I was going to wake up, back in my fathers house, ready for another beating to knock me senseless. I knew this was too good to be true. At least I had my taste of freedom while it lasted.
"Aid?" Nate tentatively asked from behind me. "Please look at me." I turned in my seat to face a broken Nate. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. I guess I was just wound up with my mom that I got jealous that you had one who was willing to love you. I've not had that in a long time and you were giving me that love I craved. I thought you'd leave me if you went home with that lady. I'm so so sorry. If you don't want to be with me anymore, I understand. I messed up and I'm so so sorry." Nate broke down on his knees in front of me, his face hidden behind his hands as his body shook with sobs. I placed a gentle hand on his back and rubbed in small circles to try and calm him.
In the end I knelt down to his level and wrapped my arms round his shoulders. He immediately snuggled into my embrace, tears dampening the shoulder of my T-shirt.
"I love you Nathan."

Authors note

First off, I've been thinking about changing the title from Nathaniel to Nate. So I need your opinions. Should I do that?

Also, from now on, I am going back through the previous chapters editing and adding some new scenes (don't worry, these won't change the plot- they'll just help add more cute scenes and make the book longer)

Thanks everyone for 5k reads and 200 votes! I never thought I'd say that 😂 you guys are amazing. Keep commenting!

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