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Aidan pov

I hope I made the right decision in trusting Nathan. I'd never trusted anyone in my life before so I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. It felt good to let someone in and could feel the relief flooding through me as I sobbed into his chest. I felt almost lighter.
After I'd calmed down, I almost forgot that my dad had kicked me out the house for a few days. Keyword being almost. I couldn't ever forget what that man says to me.

I have always struggled trusting people, even more so since my ex dumped me. However, Nate made me feel safe, more than I could even comprehend. It scared me but I was more scared of my father than an alien feeling of joy.
I'm going to let Nate in. If he hurts me, it will only teach me not to trust anyone but myself.

Nate pov

When I got back home that night, the weight of Aidans life collapsed in on me. I curled up on my bed and cried. Cried for everything Aidan has had to go through. Cried for everything he's missed and cried for his still caring soul. I couldn't believe he'd managed to hide this for this long and couldn't do anything to stop it. I wanted to kill his father. He wouldn't even let me walk him home today. He didn't want me to get hurt too but I couldn't care less about that.
"Nate? Are you crying?" Rob asked from behind my door.
"I'm fine." Lie.
"Do you need to talk to me? I'm here for you."
"No." Another lie. "Although I could do with some advice..."
"Ask away." Rob opened the door and sat next to me.
"What would you do if a friend told you something but wants you to keep it a secret and you think you should say something even though it could ruin everything?"
"I'd speak up. Especially if someone's in danger. Is this about Aidan?" I nodded before bursting into tears.
"He's so strong Rob. After everything he's been through, he still ain't complaining. How's it fair that I get to live here when he's there, living hell. You should see his arms Rob. They're all burnt and cut and bruised. He didn't even seem affected by it. It's like he's numb to the pain."
"The best thing you can do right now is the be there for him. He needs a friend and something to live for. If he doesn't want help there's nothing you can do. You did the right thing Nate. Telling me. It means he's got help."
"We need to get him out Rob. It pains me to see him in pain. Please Rob... I can't let him stay there when I know he's being hurt."
"I'll do what I can. But these things do take time. It may be months before we can bring him here."
"Thanks Rob."
I really hope that Aidans okay.

Aidan pov

Nothing my father has done compares to sleeping on the street- freezing and alone. I pulled my T-shirt over my legs more in an attempt to keep my lacking body heat in but it barley made a dent of impact. I just wanted a blanket or something warm.
Many strangers walked past me in this dark corner of the street, none glancing in my direction. Until a young lady stopped to bend down near my shaking form.
"Hey... are you okay? You're freezing! Here. Take my coat."
"Please. I'm okay. You don't need to give up your coat."
"Now none of that. You need this coat more than I do. A young boy like yourself shouldn't be sleeping in the streets. I know a shelter you could go to if you don't have anywhere else to go."
"Honestly. I'm fine. Thank you for everything though." I handed her the mustard yellow coat back.
"I'm not going to take no for an answer. Now follow me."
That was how I ended up with a warm mug of soup in my hands and a comfy bed to lie on. The shelter owners wanted to phone social services but I lied and said I had an argument with my dad and stormed out. They bought it.
"Thank you for everything Joyce." Joyce was the nicest lady I've ever met. She'd stopped at nothing to make sure I was safe and off the streets.
"It's nothing. I don't want to see you sleeping rough again- you hear me?"
"I hear you. Thanks so much."

For once in my life I could sleep safe and happy.

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