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Nate pov

God. I need Aidan. I love him way too much to let him go. His goofy smile always manages to cheer me up. But right now there was no smile. The poor boy was hooked up to more machines than I'd ever seen in my life and more doctors and nurses were swarming round my boyfriend to try and save his life.
How could I have been so stupid as to let him go home?
"Mr Miller?" I looked up from my lap, tears still running down my face like a tap. "I'm dr Hart. I'm leading your friend's treatment. Aidan has taken well to the medication we've given him but it seems there is severe damage to his liver. We suspect there to be internal bleeding from that vicinity so we are going to send him for a CT scan to find out exactly what is going on. He's lost a lot of blood mr Miller and it's probable he may not make it. We're going to do everything we can to save him. I'm sorry."
"Can I see him?" If he was going to die, I was going to say goodbye before it's too late.
"You have until his CT slot. Be careful. He's very weak."
I pushed open the doors to resus, where Aid lay, a ventilator doing most of the breathing for him.
"Oh Aid. I'm so sorry. I should've never let you go back there. I promise, from now on, you'll never see that monster again. Your not alone anymore. Never alone. God Aid. I love you. So much." I grabbed his ghostly white hand in my shaking ones. "Please stay. I need you. But if you have to go, I won't be angry with you. I understand if you can't come back from this. Don't be fearful Aidan. No matter what you chose to do, you have everyone's full support. I love you. And I never will stop loving you."
I felt the slightest tingle of pressure in my hand. What? "Aid? Did you actually just squeeze my hand? Or am I imagining things?" I glanced over his bruised body to his head. His beautiful blue eyes liked back at me, not a hint of pain or fear to be seen. "Aidan! Oh my god! Are you okay? You're not in any pain are you? Did you need any more medication?" He smiled weakly. "Squeeze once for more meds okay?" I felt him squeeze my hand, causing me to jump up immediately and go fetch a doctor. "I'll be back. Don't worry."


"Come on. One more step. The car is within grasp." I encouraged Aidan to reach the car, putting all his weight onto his crutches.
It turned out there was no internal bleeding, just extreme bruising of Aidan's internal organs and a broken ankle. Aidan had many cuts and bruises which was what had caused him to pass out. He was so brave and I love him even more for it. "You're going to love it Aid. Everyday's a party. And you never have to go back there Again."

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