Chapter 13

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I groan, my right hand grabbing at my left wrist. Instead of finding a gaping wound, I find smooth skin. My eyes fly open, and I lift my left wrist. How odd; I stretch, standing. My feet are steady, and a sharp scent pierces my nose. My mind names it immediately. Food.

I do a 360, quickly locating the pieces of bread and fruit. A deep growl sounds from my chest without me meaning for it to. I am not satisfied with these meager rations; I need meat. Nevertheless, I scarf down the food, shuddering at the sliminess of the kiwi. I stand, wiping my mouth and leaving the tray there. There has to be a way out of this room, and I am determined to find said way. I trail my fingers along the wall, feeling for any abnormal grooves or dips. My finger snags a sharp piece of concrete sticking out of the wall at the edge of a heavily barred window. I hiss at the sting, watching in wonder as the tiny cut closes, splits back open, then closes again and disappears altogether. It suddenly dawns on me what I am, and I shudder in disgust, wanting to claw myself out of my skin. To be such a disgrace to my family, to be a monster to them...

I smell the person, my brother, before I hear the door swing open near soundlessly on the oiled hinges. I continue to face the window, anger boiling just beneath my surface. I hear Elijah come closer to me, close enough that I can smell his unwashed body and pheromones. "Sis."

I stay silent, my jaw set so I don't explode. It's an old trick I learned whenever my father refused to let me hunt as a little girl. I'd set my jaw and glare at him until he left for the hunt. I then felt immensely guilty, because every time he left, that could've been the last time I saw him. Eventually I got over it, and was beyond thrilled when he finally said I could accompany him on a hunt. And it wasn't any old hunt, either. It was an alpha.

"Sis. I know you hear me." I roll my eyes, turning calmly. I see Elijah tense as he smells my anger and observes the way my jaw is clenched and my stance. He opens his mouth, then closes it. There's a large intake of breath, and then he lets it out through his nose, pinching the bridge of it.

"You're angry." I roll my eyes again. I square my shoulders, pulling my arm back and punching him in the face. I don't know if he was expecting me to hit him in the stomach, or if I was joking, but he swears loudly and cups his already-healing broken nose.

"What was that for?" He growls angrily, his voice deepening. His eyes burn a brighter orange than before, and his nose straightens with a sickening crack.

"Maybe for deserting us, for making our sisters go through your death, for hiding from me, for kidnapping me, for changing me into the beast I hate!" I snap, never pausing to take a breath. I say it so fast Elijah has to take a minute to process it.

"You will definitely be hard to break." He muses, eyes still a bright orange.

"Are my eyes orange?" I ask, horrified I'll be the evil, orange-eyed, magic wielding wolf Paul had warned me about.

"Not exactly. They're a mixture of your previous eye color too, and gold. So they shift and move through colors. From the darkest black to the brightest gold, and sometimes in between, with splashes of orange. It's quite fascinating. None of the others have those eyes."

"Why are you in here?" I snap, fed up with his casualness.

"I just need to inject you with a serum and draw some blood." He reveals a syringe and the tools to draw someones blood.

"No. No way." I snarl, baring my teeth at him.

He sighs. "Once you pass out from the mental strain we can just draw your blood anyways." Elijah lunges at me and I dodge, running across the room. He follows close behind, and I swerve, avoiding another swing at me.

"Just let me get the serum in you, Alyssa!" I growl at my full name, skirting around the bed. I brace my hands on it, watching him as he ran towards me head on. I push up off the table, doing a front flip over Elijah. My foot is too low, though, and clips him in the face. I hit the ground rolling, seeing Elijah laying slumped in the floor.

I walk over to him and kneel, straddling him. I take my face in my hands, smirking. "I always win, little brother." I stand, walking towards the still open door, when I'm grabbed from behind. "Sorry sis."

Elijah stabs the syringe into my arm and shoots the liquid into my bloodstream. I growl, throwing him off me. "Get back!" I snarl, my nails lengthening.

"Lyssa?" I freeze, looking up. I meet Paul's gaze, his hazel eyes a swirling mix of green and brown, the familiar ring of amber around his pupil.

"Paul." I choke out, my heart seizing. "It's over, sis." Elijah smirks, and I growl.

I launch myself at Elijah, tackling him to the ground. "You did this!" I screech, punching him in the face over and over again. His image flickers, and suddenly I'm just punching the concrete ground. I frown, standing, seeing him and Paul pointing at me and laughing.

"Eli? Paul?" I stalk towards them, and Paul chuckles darkly. "Oh, look at her. So angry." Elijah guffaws, then scowls at me, squaring his shoulders.

"What do you want, whore?" He spits, and I gasp, feeling it claw directly at my heart. I narrow my eyes.

"I'm not a whore." I rear back, punching him directly in his nose, only for it to be Paul's. Paul cries out, hands flying to his face. "Lyssa, why?" He whimpers, eyes widening in fear.

"Paul!" I reach towards him, and he cowers away from me, sneering. "Don't touch me. Aren't you women supposed to learn to behave?" He hits me across the face, a malicious grin on his own.

I fall backwards, scooting away from him. "Paul, stop!" I cry this out again and again as he hits me over and over. "You're worthless." He snaps, leering over me.

"Stop!" I curl into a ball as I receive blow after blow from my "mate". Every time I utter a word, Paul insults me verbally.

After about an hour, I just lie there, whimpering and rocking in a ball.

//this is like super short omg but i swear next chapter will be longer. aleyah\\

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