Chapter 30

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Over the next few weeks the packhouse and the grounds around it get crowded. At every turn there seemed to be at least twenty people at one place. I, not being a people person, preferred to stay upstairs and watch TV instead of converse with all the new people. Sadly, as my duty of Luna, I had to mingle and welcome them into the pack. Plus I have to teach the women how to be hunters.

"No, no, not like that. Hold your knife like this," I correct a young girl, her age around thirteen, "it won't spin the right way or hit what you're aiming at if you hold your knife by the handle. These are handle-heavy knives; you throw handle first."

The girl flips the knife, the draws her arm back and flings it foreword. The knife flies a few feet, then buries the tip of the blade in the ground. The girl sighs, and I observe the dozens of other knives buried in the ground at around the same point.

I hand the girl, Agatha I think is what she said her name was, another knife. "Whenever you extend your arm, flick your wrist. It'll make your throw more accurate, and it will go further."

I grab a knife of my own, demonstrating. Whenever the knife leaves my hands, it rotates a few times before sticking in the bulls-eye of the target with a solid thunk. Agatha looks at her own knife, then draws her arm back again and throws, the knife rotating and sticking in the bottom part of the target.

I smile at her reassuringly. "Keep it up; you'll get it in no time."

I move on from Agatha and walk around the training grounds, watching the women who are working on different parts of the hunter's technique of fighting. One middle-aged woman is struggling with firing a pistol; every time she pulls the trigger, she closes her eyes and cringes away from the gun.

I walk up to her, correcting the way she was holding it, and giving her earplugs so that the bang isn't as loud. I continue on this way, observing and correcting, until it's right before time to leave.

A young girl, she can't be more than ten, is sparring with a girl much older than her. The older girl is getting angry at being bested, her swings becoming wilder and wilder. She knocks the blade from the little girl's hands and goes for a hard downwards thrust, a feral look in her eyes.

I feel the familiar buzz of power in my veins, and I throw up my hands, defending the cowering little girl. The older girl's sword rebounds from the near-invisible blue screen of energy, covering the little girl like a bubble. It flies out of the girl's hands, spinning and burying itself in the ground about a foot away from her.

She stands back, looking from her hands to the other girl. I march over to her, looking up at her a little ways. Even from my small stature, the girl shrinks away from me. "What's your name?"

My voice is soft, hinting towards none of the anger I feel.

"M-Mindy." The girl stammers, staring at me fearfully.

"Well Mindy, you tried to kill this little girl." I help the girl to her feet, smiling at her.

She smiles back at me, her green eyes and blonde hair reminding me severely of Adaline. Who, by the way, struggled the most with today's lessons.

"I didn't mean to! I swear, I got too into it--"

"I watched you the whole time," I interrupt sternly, "and you were getting angry because she was beating you. I'm not stupid, Mindy."

Anger fills her eyes again, and a growl is in her next words. "That little twit was cheating! She was using illegal moves!"

I raise a brow, my anger tripling at her tone. "She has her own style, so what? Anything works against a werewolf."

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