Chapter 29

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"Dahling," I hide a smile at the small woman's accent, "'Ow are you?" She embraces Paul, who has a rather large grin on his face.

"Same as always, Rubella." He says pleasantly, pulling back and studying the men and women behind the woman.

"You 'ave gotten skinniah!" The older woman pokes at Paul, who chuckles.

"I'm the same size I've always been, Madame D'aramitz." The woman, Rubella, waves a hand.

"No need for formalities, dahling. I'm the same I 'ave always been as well."

Her accent is heavy, so much so that I can hardly understand her. A young girl with shimmering white blonde hair steps foreword, embracing Paul and kissing him on both cheeks.

"'Ow is my favorite Alpha?" She squeals, and Paul grimaces.

"Quite fine, Adaline."

She pouts, sticking her bottom lip out. "Why so distant, chéri? We used to be very close, if you will remember."

Jealousy curls in the pit of my stomach, and the mark on my neck burns. The girl has yet to see me, even though I stand barely to the right of Paul.

"Things have changed."

Adaline's expression changes, going from a pout to a seductive look given from beneath her lashes. "I 'ave not changed, chéri. So why should things be different?"

Her perfectly manicured fingers grab at Paul's t-shirt, her face getting dangerously close to Paul's. He tries to pull away, but she has an iron grip.

I look around incredulously, realizing that the rest of the pack is mingling with ours, finding their rooms and all. This must be the Capricorne Lac pack, flown in from Paris. Paul's mother and Rubella were sisters.

I turn back to Paul and Adaline, who are still very, very close. "Get off me, Adaline." Paul grits out, hands pushing against her shoulders. She gives him another sultry look, smirking. "I love it when you play 'ard to get, Paul."

A growl rumbles low in my throat, and I narrow my already cat-like eyes. "Excuse me," I say in a clipped tone, "I need you to get your hands off my mate."

Adaline's mouth makes a perfect little O, and her green eyes narrow. "You? 'Is mate? Very funny, putain, but this man eez mine!"

My growl turns to a snarl, and Adaline takes a step back.

"Control zeez mad woman, Paul!"

Paul raises a brow. "That is my mate that you are speaking of, Adaline. I suggest you watch yourself."

Adaline scowls at me. "Nothing will keep me away from thees 'andsome man, girl. Eef I were you I would keep a close watch on 'im, no?"

With that Adaline turns and disappears in the crowd.

Paul sighs, taking my hand. "She's going to do everything in her power to anger you into hitting her, but I need you to keep a tight reign on your emotions."

I nod, hugging Paul. "What did she mean you two were 'very close'?"

Paul sighs again, rubbing the back of his neck.

Adaline is an old lover of mine, he says telepathically, but I swear I feel nothing for her anymore. Now there's you. Only you.

Jealousy flares in my chest again for a moment, but dies down at his final words.

It's okay. I understand. What other packs are coming today?

Paul frowns, taking my hand and leading me from the crowded living room.

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