Chapter 26

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I sigh to myself whenever I see that the guard on duty today is actually awake.

If I was properly in control of my magic, I could knock him out like that.

But since I'm not I'll have to weasel my way out of questions.

I enter the prison, the guard jumping to his feet and saluting.

"Luna," he greets, "what brings you around here this evening?"

I open my mouth to answer, but before I can he slumps to the ground, unconscious.

I smile in delight, stepping over his body and walking to Elijah's cell.

He's sitting on his cot, beads of sweat rolling down his face as he remains concentrated.

The door to his cell unlocks by itself, and I walk in.

I sit across from him, cross legged just as he is.

Elijah opens his eyes, smiling tiredly. I don't return the gesture.

"What's today's lesson?" I ask flatly.

Elijah snorts. "Same as it was yesterday. You've not mastered even locking and unlocking doors yet; we're starting where left off yesterday."

I sigh. This was boring.

"Now," Elijah begins, closing his eyes, "close your eyes and reach towards the back of your mind. You should find some sort of blockage there, almost physical."

I find what Elijah describes, pursing my lips. "As you feel the resistance, find a way to break down the barrier. Whether it be you just pushing on it or mentally hammering it to death, make sure it comes down."

I almost giggle at his words, but instead shove against the barrier with all my might, the thin wall falling down a lot easier than it did yesterday.

My skin comes alive, and I hear a faint hum. My eyes fly open, and I look down at my hands.

Nothing was different about them, but I could feel the power rushing through my veins.

Elijah, being able to sense magic, opens his eyes. They were glowing, the orange extra bright.

"Interesting," he murmurs, "your eyes are gold."

"Anyways," he says, giving me no time to ponder on the subject of my eyes, "now focus on the lock in the cell door. Envision it sliding over-"

Before Elijah can finish his sentence, the lock to the cell clicks.

He frowns. "You've been practicing haven't you."

I nod. "Why wouldn't I?"

Elijah dips his head in acknowledgement. "Unlock it then."

I shrug, and seconds later the lock clicks. Elijah looks at me incredulously.

"Well then. Since you've obviously done that without a struggle," Elijah says hotly, a candy bar appearing in his hand with a pop, "you can begin conjuring things. This is a much harder task."

Elijah speaks the truth. My first try I focused on conjuring a candy bar like Elijah, only successful in getting a corner of the wrapper.

He simply laughed and told me to try something smaller, like a rock.

So I did. I thought up a small rock, trying to get it to come to my hand.

I had ended up making a rock fly through the window and hit Elijah in the head.

He had sworn loudly, glaring at me. "Don't summon it, conjure it."

Whenever I finally am able to conjure up a rock, I'm sweating and tired.

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