Chapter 14

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The world slowly begins to form around my beaten and broken body, more emotionally torn than physically. For the past three days I have been tortured mercilessely, serum after serum being shot into my veins, twisting the images and memories of the people I loved and trusted. I sit up gingerly, muscles screaming from having fallen asleep beside of the window last night after a particularly grueling bout of images. The ones that are the most common are ones of Paul. Him with another girl. Him ripping out my little sister's throat. Him holding a gun to my father's throat. I am astonished by the amount of loathing I feel towards him. So much that I could kill him.

The door to my room opens, and Xerxes swaggers in. "We only have one last thing to inject you with, and it's to speed up your first shift." I shrug, extending my left arm. It's where they usually inject the serums. Xerxes shakes his head. "This one goes straight into your jugular."

I tilt my head over, allowing him to stick the syringe into my neck and inject the liquid into my veins. Pain shoots through my arms, down to my fingertips, then back up my arms, spreading down my back, to my hips, down my legs, and stopping at my toes. I collapse again, screaming from the pain. I writhe on the ground, feeling as my bones break and reform in a different shape, my skin splitting and reshaping around a new form. It seems so much slower then when Paul and the others shift. Another gutteral cry forces itself from my throat, sounding more animalistic. Fur sprouts from all over my body, and my clothes become much to large, then much to tiny. As I grow in size, the clothes bust off me, landing in pieces on the ground. I shake myself all over, snorting hard because of the weird feeling. I look up at Xerxes, who looks so much taller now.

"Oh, you're a pretty one. A mix of silver and black. Very exquisite. And you're much smaller and thinner than most of the wolves from around here. You must be built for speed instead of fighting." Xerxes reaches down, patting my head. I growl, drawing back my lip.

"There's no need for that, Lyssa. Oh, and I lied. We have another serum for you."

Xerxes snaps his hand forewords like a snake striking and sticks the syringe into my leg, sending the liquid racing through me quickly. He laughs, leaving me laying as a wolf and letting the serum run it's course.


"I don't understand. There's nobody here. At all." Paul snaps, pacing. He runs his hand through his hair, growling in frustration.

"They've not been here for weeks, Paul. We need to go back." Aaron urges, and Paul snarls at him, his canines lengthening.

"No! She has to be here! I can smell her!" Colin bursts back through the door, holding a tee shirt. "This would be the source of your mate's smell. This was a distraction. Paul, she has to be back on our land."

Paul growls loudly, his canines cutting his bottom lip. "No! God knows what they did to her, Colin start the car!"

Paul shifts, loping back towards where they came, as fast as he could. It will take him too long, though. With the latest serum in work, it will triple Lyssa's hate for him, twisting every memory she has of him, slaughtering any bit of her old self and shoving it way back into the deep recesses of her mind.

The SUV catches him pretty quickly, but Paul pushes faster, going at least sixty miles per hour. He is a blur of movement, turning to a predatorial part of him he usually kept buried deep within himself. He lets out a roar, his chest rumbling as he runs. He's halfway through town whenever he feels their bond shatter. Paul keens, rage and hurt flooding his senses, and he runs even faster, if possible.

He flies throughout the town, quickly retracing their steps. Nobody dared to get in the way of the furious Alpha, too afraid of being bowled over or killed. Paul soon finds himself darting through the field towards the packhouse, his thunderous gait alerting everyone within half a mile of his deadly presence. He shifts right before getting to the door, throwing it open and racing inside.

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