Chapter 24

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"Where are you going?" I cringe whenever I hear Aaron's voice.

"Out." I answer over my shoulder, throwing open the back door to the pack house.

"You know you're not supposed to leave without Paul."

"He knows." I lie, then put my hands on my hips.

"And besides. I'm your Luna. I think I'm allowed to do what I want."

Aaron hesitates. I have a point and he knows it. "Have a good day then." He inclines his head towards me and leaves.

I smirk, walking out the door. I make my way down the small, winding path across a field full of golden grass that comes to my shoulders all the way to the prison.

When I get there I fine one guard on duty, and he's snoozing in his chair.

I completely bypass him, instead walking confidently towards where I smell my brother is at.

I arrive at his cramped cell, seeing that he is indeed in some sort of trance. His eyes are closed, but they flutter and his mouth is moving nonstop but there's no sound coming from it.


His face twitches, and he mutters something.

"Wake up."

His muttering continues, and I get fed up with waiting for him to come to by himself.

I kick his cell, forgetting about the guard for a moment. It clangs, and Elijah jumps, his orange eyes flying open.

He glares at me. "You could cause some serious problems by rushing my waking, you know."

I roll my eyes. "I already heard the whole magic-equals-madness bit from Paul."

Elijah raises a brow. "Then why are you here?"

"I need answers."

Elijah shrugs. "Lay it on me."

"Did you shoot Fay."

Elijah shakes his head.
"How easy is performing magic?"

Elijah holds his hands up, moving them up and down as if weighing something on a scale. "Depends. Some days are better than others."

I nod. "Teach me."

Elijah's eyes nearly bug out of his head. "What?"

"You heard me."

Elijah smirks. "You're telling me you have permission from your over protective mate for me to teach you something that could potentially render you completely insane?"

I bite my lip. "Well, no. But I want to learn it. I've overheard Paul talking about launching an attack on Xerxes. I want to be of some use."

Elijah shrugs. "Why not. I like aggravating Paul as much as I can anyways."

"One more thing."

Elijah groans, flopping back onto his cot. "Of course there's a catch."

I laugh. "Not a catch. I want information on Xerxes, and for that and the magic I'm willing to get you out of here and living with Naomi in the packhouse.

Elijah shoots up, at the bars separating us in seconds. "You'd do that?"

I see now just how crazed he is from the separation from his mate. "Of course. But the information has to be true or else you both go in here."

Elijah nods. "Yes, yes I'll do it. Deal."

I smile. "Good. Now back to this magic business.."


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