Chapter 18

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The teenagers and children that had me surrounded begin to scream and run, leaving a dazed Gilliam and I on the bridge.

Kill him. A voice whispers in my head. He deserves to die.

I growl, slinking towards Gilliam. I bare my fangs, letting out a howl of victory before lunging towards Gilliam.

Something hits me across the muzzle, and I hear the safety of a gun click off. I instinctively dive to my left when the gun goes off, bolting away from the bridge. Whenever I glance back, I see that it is Gregory Banes, a well respected hunter in the Wall's community.

People leap out of my way at first, but soon I have an angry mob of people running after me, waving knives and shooting at me. I run towards the entrance to the gate, but the guards are standing in front of it, guns aimed at me. It seems as if the whole community has gathered, their weapons pointed towards me.

"Who are you, and why are you hear?" The Commander steps foreword, and I back away, bumping into Fay. She recoils, aiming a revolver at my head.

"Back off!" She hisses, and it breaks my heart.

"Shift back!" Someone shouts, and I'm prodded with a knife. I snarl, but do as they ask.

The Commander takes a step back, then looks angry. "Lyssa? This whole time you've been one of them?"

I shake my head, cheeks burning from my nudity. "Just recently. I was tortured and ah, this was to get back at my mate for something."

Mom shoves through the crowd, a shotgun clutched in one of her hands. "Lyssie? Baby, why didn't you tell me?"

I roll my eyes. "Don't put on a show, mother. I know you would've simply shot me in the head and dumped my body in the river instead of releasing me. That's not the way of you, or anyone else for that matter."

Mom is at a loss for words, and I sigh. "Can I go? I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm not looking to hurt anyone, I just want to be alone."

The Commander scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry, kiddo, but that's not how it works. We're trying to eradicate the likes of werewolves. I know for a fact that it would physically hurt you to kill one of your kind in cold blood, so we have to kill you."

I shake my head, backing into Fay again. "Really, guys, I'm all for peace--"

A gun goes off, and the crowd parts like the Red Sea. "As my sister has pointed out, she doesn't kill humans. Let her go." Mom's jaw drops, and her eyes roll back into her head. Her knees buckle and she falls to the ground with a thump.

"Elijah?" Fay whispers, and he gives her a crooked grin. "The one and only, Fay."

"He's one of them!" Someone shouts and the Commander turns to Elijah.

"Are you human, boy?" Elijah shakes his head.

"Nah, but I don't intend to spill blood. I'm here for her." He motions towards me with his gun, and I bare my teeth.

"Oh no! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I snarl, and Elijah sighs.

"We've been over this, sis."

I shake my head. "I hate you! You're a monster!"

Elijah frowns, putting a hand over his heart. "Ouch, Lyss. That really hurt."

The Commander looks from me to Elijah and then back to me. He cocks the gun, pointing it at Elijah. "Put your gun down, boy."

Elijah shrugs, tossing his pistol away from himself. "There. Better?" The Commander shakes his head, glancing at me.

Whenever he's focused on Elijah again, I shift and quickly bound over the crowd of people. Or, most of them. I land on an elderly woman, then use her as a launching pad and begin running towards the gate. The guards aim their guns at me, but I jump over them, shifting as soon as I hit the wall.

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