Chapter 8

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We leave the hotel within two days, and while I resist a little, I know it would be a lost cause to escape in a werewolf infested town.

So I remain passive, allowing Paul to sit next to me without fuss. I don't really have the energy to escape, anyways.

We get to the pack territory in record time, not stopping once.

Paul observes me quietly, waiting for me to complain or shout or try to escape.

I don't, because in all honesty I don't want to right now.

Whenever I am sitting in Paul's room, though, I remember the rough looking man that insisted he speak with Paul.

"Who was the man?"

Paul lifts his head from the book he's been reading.

"What man?"

His glasses have slid to the end of his nose, and I have to suppress a laugh.

Mainly because he's a werewolf and he needs glasses, but another because they're about to fall off his face.

"The man at the hotel."

Paul relaxes. "Oh. Him. He's my uncle."

I make a face. "Why was he so formal? And why were his eyes orange?"

Paul sighs. "He's formal because he's close to a hundred years old and that's the way he was raised, and his eyes weren't orange."

My mouth drops open. "But he looked like he was fifty something! And they were too, so were the men's beside him."

"Werewolves age slower than humans. Granted, not as slow as vampires, but still pretty slow."

I nod, then frown. "Vampires?"


"Ah. Still doesn't explain the orange eyes."

Paul rolls his eyes, shutting the book and taking off his glasses.

"Weres with orange eyes means they have the touch of magic, but its not possible. There's no way for them to have access to it anymore."

I huff angrily. "Fine. Suppose I'm right, then. What would happen?"

Paul rubs his eyes.

"To put it shortly, we're all screwed, and not in the fun way."


another short one, but im like so busy rn it's not even funny.

for those of you who don't know internet speech, rn means right now. k? k. xD im such a lame idiot.


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