Chapter 20

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I am hauled to my feet, a gun pressed into my back as I am led out of the tiny cell. The sunlight hits my eyes, the glare making me squint before I adjust.

The guards walk me to a huge crowd, which splits before us like the Red Sea. Face blur past me, fear burning in my gut. The guard shoves me into a large ring, and the people of this sick pack gather around it, pressing against the fence.

A huge man stands across from me, his muscles rippling neath his shirt, and his dark eyes gleam with malice. This must be the man the one guard had spoken of yesterday. Abdul.

"The rules of the fight are simple. Attack until the other is subdued. No mercy from Abdul, no truce. You begin at the sound of Adam's horn." I squint up at the tall man who is speaking.

He motions towards a young guy, who holds a small item in his hand, then raises it to his mouth. I switch my gaze back over to Abdul, who smiles at me. "So tell me, how did you get here?"

I shrug. "Bit of bad luck."

The horn sounds, but neither of us moves. "A lot more than a bit, I believe. At least Alpha Elliot can claim you. It's a pain fighting the mates."

"My mate won't be so easily beaten." Abdul laughs, shaking his head.

"Who's your mate then, eh?" I smirk wickedly.

"Tell you what, if I win I'll tell you. If I start to lose, you'll find out anyways. Deal?"

Abdul shrugs, cracking his knuckles. "Sure."

He rolls his shoulders once, then gets on the balls of his feet. I watch as his muscles flex, then dart forewords, leaping towards him. This catches him off guard, so he falls easily. I pin him the best I can, punching him over and over. His nose makes an awful crunching noise, making him swear and shove me off.

I roll and am back on my feet in an instant. Abdul shakes his head, then run towards me. His hands are extended, but I know that if he gets a hold of me I'm done for. I duck under his arms, then jump on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling as hard as I can. I manage to cut off his air supply, but Abdul simply drops. I'm forced to let go and crawl away so I won't be crushed beneath his weight.

Abdul grabs my foot, dragging me backwards. I yelp, kicking at him. He grabs my hair and yanks me back even harder. I scream as some of my hair is painfully uprooted. I kick back again and Abdul grunts in pain, letting go of my hair. I swivel, delivering a high kick to his jaw, sending him spinning. I punch him again, putting my shoulder and weight into it. He falls foreword, and I grab the collar of his shirt. I wind my fingers through his hair, jerking his head back and am about to break his neck whenever my eyes fall to his neck.

He has been marked, meaning that his mate is here. She must be watching; this seems to be rather popular. She must have been so confident, what with her mate being all powerful against a small girl. But what they don't know is that I'm a hunter.

Former hunter my consciousness reminds me.

My hesitation allows Abdul to get the upper hand again, and he grabs my arm and throws me across the arena. I land awkwardly, and can already feel the bruises forming. I groan, coughing and sitting up, whenever Abdul comes barreling towards me.

I stumble to my feet, readying myself. Whenever Abdul nears, I swing at him. My moves are clumsy and slow, enabling him to dodge my hit. He returns with a powerful one of his own. I duck, feeling it breeze by my head.

I send a flurry of hits into his stomach, making him double over from the loss of breath. I elbow him in the back, making his knees buckle. His head is close to my leg, so I knee him as hard as I can in the face, tipping him backwards. With a roar of pain, Abdul shifts.

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