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I now have a set date for when I am indeed releasing the sequel that I have been working hard on(cover, blurb, etc.) and that date is:

September 5th!¡!¡

Which, ill have you know, is an entire month sooner than what I originally planned. Because I am up to my eyeballs in high school stuff, and I'm rewriting another book of mine, and bec I'm an idiot I published a new book.

Not to mention having to update my other few books. So. be grateful.

Also, thanks for the reads even though this book could use some rewriting(which I will do once the whole sequel is finished)

And S/O to all the people who actually give me feedback(all feedback is appreciated, thnx) you guys are awesome.

My other readers who don't give me feedback are also awesome just for reading.

But anyways. September 5th. Sequel will be up. Updates will go up as fast as I can write them, so you shouldn't have to wait that long. (most the time it'll be 3-7 days for an update; not that bad right?)

Love all of y'all. Hugs and kisses,

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