Chapter 12

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I am bound and gagged quickly, that stupid sack still over my head. I assume, from the bumpy ride after I was manhandled by Xerxes, that I am in a van and being brought onto their territory. It's very uncomfortable, with these sharp little things digging into me from all sides if I move even an inch. It's terrible. We drive for what seems like hours, every jolt and bump waking me back up when I begin to drift off. All I can think about is my family, and how my parents will lose another child. 

The vehicle comes screeching to a stop, and I am once again lifted and dragged, and whenever we walk into a building of some sort, the air temperature drops. I am unbound and ungagged, but the sack remains on my head. The guards throw me into what feels like a cell. A door clangs shut, and they leave. 

I feel around my neck, searching for the string that keeps the sack over my head. When I find it, I yank it loose, breaking it easily. I pull the bag from my head, taking a deep breath of air, then gag. The sickly sweet smell of rotting flesh clings to everything, and I shudder, making sure to breath through my mouth. I check my pockets, my boots, everything, searching for at least a pocketknife. There's only empty scabbards and a metal nail file. 

I take it out. It's pretty flimsy, not even half an inch thick. I huff and am about to toss it through the bars of the open window when I get an idea. I try to file one of the thick bars, the file making an awful screeching noise that resonates all around the prison. 

I stop, listening for guards. They must be stationed outside. I peek out the window, the frown. Something isn't right. I recognize the scenery from around the prison, and then I see a black SUV zoom down the gravel road beside of the prison. We are still on Paul's land, he just doesn't know it. I frown. Surely he'd be able to feel the so called mating bond, or at least track my scent. 

I start the sawing motion with file again, gritting my teeth when I accidentally snag my finger. The file doesn't seem to be working, except to tire me out more than I was before. I sigh, dropping the file and sliding to the floor, running my hand through my long black hair. As expected, I encounter several different snags and tangles. It takes at least fifteen minutes to comb through it all, leaving it fuzzed up and greasy.

I lean my head back against the wall, muttering curses at Xerxes and his group of rogues. It angered me that they were able to get past Paul so easily. Like he and the rest of the wolves weren't even there. And there's no telling what happened to Colin. Colin! I had forgotten about him, too focused on my wellbeing. I walk up to the door of my cell, pressing my face against the grimy bars and peeking out at the other cells, seeing them empty.

I huff, stepping back. I had barely turned around when the big wooden door about two cells down from mine clangs open, and none other than Xerxes walks through the door. "What do you want?" I snap, and he smirks, orange eyes ablaze.

"I need you to do something for me, Lyssa. I am aware that you are no fan of my kind, so I am here to help you cope with that." I roll my eyes, leaning against the wall of my cell. "Yeah. Cope. How?"

A young boy steps from behind Xerxes, his black hair falling in his eyes. I narrow mine. Something was familiar about him, the way he looked at his feet when he tucks his hands in his pockets. The boy looks up, flipping his hair out of his face. "Hey, sis."

My eyes widen, and I nearly fall over. "Elijah?"


<Paul in third person>

"What do you mean they took her?" Paul snarls, holding Colin up against the wall, arm pressed against his throat.

"I was focused on dispatching your uncle. He..." Colin stops, gagging when Paul pushes his arm against his throat harder. 

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