Chapter 28

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"Our allies should begin getting here in a day," Colin informs us, pointing to different groups and packs of wolves all over North America.

I really should be listening, but A. I can't stop thinking about last night with Paul and B. I was too busy with conversing with Paul in my head.

Honestly you would think you've rethought that part enough already.

I jump at Paul's interjection, glaring at him from across the table.

He has a smug look on his face, hazel eyes bright and mischievous.

Paul wore a v-necked tee shirt today, allowing everyone a clear view of my mark.

"Now we're having well over a thousand people a piece from the Lunar Ares pack, the Sagittarius River pack, and the Blue Gemini pack. Then we have around seven hundred packmembers a piece from the Libra Ina pack, the Aquarius Trail pack..."

I tune Colin out, drumming my fingers on the table. I stare out the window, daydreaming about running through the forests as a wolf, slinking up on animals, pouncing at exactly the right time-

"Luna?" I jump out of my thoughts, turning towards Colin.


He gives me an amused look. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

I nod. "Yes. Er, no. Sorry."

Colin grins, then clasps his hands together. "Well I said that you could help train the ladies in a hunter's way of fighting. If we can defeat a large portion Xerxes' men without shifting it would double our chances of winning. Instill the benefit of the doubt, make them think we have the hunters on our side."

I nod. It doesn't take long to train a person as a hunter, and the outfits for hunters are easily made.

"Good. Now, Alpha, we'll need some barracks built around the packhouse to help house these new soldiers. I've got the blueprints ready for you already, so the construction it self is all that remains to be done."

Paul nods once, and Colin continues on. I lean my chin on my hand, bored out of my mind.



I duck my head to avoid a low-lying branch, a twig barely snagging my fur.

My clothes are tied tight around my back leg, slightly hindering my movements.

I've already cut one of my paws on a sharp rock in a riverbed, the dirt and bleeding keeping it from healing all the way.

My jaw is sore from being clenched around the hard leather of the combat boots I stole from another hunter. By now it seems like everything hurts from all the running I've done.

I can smell the different scents of humans, their pungent pheromones stinking up the forest air.

Everything in me screams to kill these people, the true monsters who tried to take werewolves' living spaces away, all those years ago...

But never mind that. I'm close enough that I need to shift back and get dressed, repulsed by having to wear something that resembled a torn up trainer suit for one of them.

I hiss in pain every time I put weight on my left foot, the cut running the length of my arch.

My limp only gets worse as I continue to walk towards the looming figure of the Wall, shuddering at the nasty scents of humans up close and personal.

I stumble out of the woods, resembling a young hunter returning from a hunt gone wrong.

To add to the effect of the whole thing, I collapse at an officers feet, sensing he was the weak link in this chain of soldiers.

"State your business, hunter." His voice is stern, but not unkind.

"I just got back..." I mumble, pushing myself up on trembling arms.

"From where?" I can hear the crunch of the frozen grass beneath the captain's feet as she approaches.

"That big territory; the DuChamp one."

The soldier raises a brow. "What happened?"

My movements are frantic as I explain to him as quick as I can about the plans for war.

"I swear it's all true," I finish, holding out my hand so he can help me stand up.

The soldier helps me up, a funny look on his face. "Hey, boss."

His captain comes to a stop, looking at me coldly.

"We've already let in the group for today. You'll have to come back tomorrow."

I shake my head frantically, my blue eyes wide. "I have important news for your commander!"

The captain shakes her head. "We cannot let you through-"

"The biggest pack in North America and possibly the world is about to go to war!" I burst out, cutting her off.

"I found all this out while I was hunting," I say, excited that I had caught her attention.

"There are thousands of werewolves already waiting outside their territory. I was able to squeeze by between two camps; I sat by an open downstairs window and overheard plans for them to get reinforcements and everything!"

The captain purses her lips, then motions to the guards at the gate. "I'll let you through. Go to the Commander's office immediately; we need to prepare."

I have to refrain from skipping gleefully through the gates, walking quickly to get to the Commander.

Whenever I enter his office, the secretary there stops me before I can walk in.

"State your business please." I squint at her, reading her name tag. Jane.

"I'm here to tell the Commander about some information I picked up while on a hunt." I inform her, tapping my foot.

The woman taps something out, then waves me through. "Be quick about it," she instructs, "it's late."

I walk into the room, grabbing the Commander's attention. "Evening, soldier." He greets, pouring over different papers and maps.

"Commander." I greet, then take a seat in the chair across from him.

"I have happened upon some information about the DuChamp pack while hunting." I say quietly, and the Commander lifts his head, bushy brow raised.

"That so?"

I nod, going into detail about the upcoming war between Paul and Xerxes.

The Commander fingers his chin,frowning. "And what is your take on this?"

I smirk. "I think that while the wolves fight and destroy each other, we should help."

"You're implying that we wipe off at least a fourth of the number of werewolves in North America?"

I nod. "Precisely."

The Commander smiles at me, one too big for his face. "I like the way you think, soldier."

I grin at him, rising from my chair, not waiting for dismissal.

As I'm exiting, the Commander call out, "Never caught your name, soldier."

"Naomi," I throw over my shoulder, smiling to myself.

//dun dun dunnnnnnnn so this happened!!

btw thnx to everyone who has been like tripling the support, we have hit 3k views!!!!! yay!!!

plz remember to comment, vote, & share!!! <3 you all! -a\\

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