Chapter 35

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//make sure you listen to the song while you read the chapter; it fits it amazingly.\\

Time stops. My mother's blade seems to move in slow motion towards Paul's neck, his own weapon yards away from sliding across the icy snow.

I'm almost there, a sharp cry emitting from my mouth. With every breath the pounding in my head gets sharper, along with my breathing becoming more labored. My hands go out, and I feel another surge of power fly from my fingertips.

At that exact moment I feel my mind go crashing beyond a barrier within the depths of my mind to make up for the excess magic use, and more and more power begins to flow from my fingertips. My knees buckle, nothing in my body working by itself anymore.

The blast from my magic sends my mother backwards. A large crack is the result of her body hitting a tree. My breathing is becoming more and more labored. I'm having to focus on every breath. Thoughts are running ramped through my head, and I can see the panic on Paul's face.

But I can't feel it. Our bond is all but gone. There's no tingles running through me when he touches me, no feeling of his mind brushing against mine. Everything on me is pulsing and hurting. Nothing is making sense, and the only thought that is legible is I'm alive.

Paul cradles my body to him, and I can hear myself muttering things. Broken words, some understandable and some not, but none of them make sense to me. His mouth opens, moving, but I don't understand what he's saying.

I feel him stand, the rocking manner of him carrying me putting me to sleep. My eyes flutter shut and my mind slips away.

/so this is like maybe the epilogue for this or something idk but it's rly short. Oh an it's the last chappie for this book. I'll update on news for the sequel. Love you all. -aleysah\

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