Chapter 27

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"And you're completely sure about this?" Paul asks Elijah for the hundredth time, making my brother roll his eyes.

"Yes," he says, enunciating the word, "they've been coming up to my cell window for as long as I've been in there and giving me information."

Paul nods, then rolls out a map of our land. "This," he says, drawing a square right over where the packhouse would be, "is where we are. Here's the prison," he draws another square, "and here's our territory lines." He draws lines on the outskirts of the map.

"Show me where Xerxes' camps are."

Elijah takes the pen, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment before writing X's in different areas.

The biggest X was drawn at the far end of the territory, about six miles from the packhouse.

"That's where Xerxes is at. He's had an informant run to me at exactly two o'clock in the morning every day since the day you threw me in my cell." Elijah points at the big X.

"He's going to lay back for a while. You're going to be attacked from the back first, the camps there will send out all but fifty of their men, then send those extras to other camps as reinforcements. It'll continue on like that, and you'll get about three camps per day from either side once the back camps are finished. The reinforcements will continue to hang back, and eventually they're planning on Xerxes, who has the biggest camp of men already, to receive about five hundred reinforcements from the other camps. Then half of them will attack to exhaust the rest of your forces while the other half remains at camp, attacking once you think you've succeeded."

Paul nods, then pauses for a second. Colin disappears downstairs, having received a mental command.

"How many men are in each camp?"

Elijah taps the pen on his chin, scrunching up his nose. "Around three hundred in the smaller ones, four fifty in the larger ones."

Paul nods slowly, taking his pen and writing the numbers down beside each camp, depending on whether or not Elijah says its a big camp or a small camp.

"How many are in his?" Paul points the pen at the final X. Xerxes' camp.

"The informant said they have around seven hundred in their camp."

Paul swears, running a hand through his hair. I realize that even though Paul is trained for this, even though he's been working this way his whole life, this is a stretch for even him.

"Well Elijah, this is all true, yes?"

Elijah nods in confirmation.

"I'll hold up my mate's end of the deal then."

A moment later Naomi bursts through the door, jerking away from Aaron.

"You don't have to manhandle me!" She snaps, then she sniffs the air and whips around.

"Eli?" Naomi asks, running towards him.

"The one and only." He grins, his orange eyes glowing in a non-magical way.

They embrace each other, clinging to each other for dear life.

I stare at the floor, blushing furiously because, well, this was still my little brother.

Whenever Naomi pulls away, she gives me a hug. "Thank you," she says, "this means more to me than anything else."

I hug her back, patting her shoulder softly.

Whenever she returns to Elijah, I nudge Paul, nodding my head to the door.

He gets the signal, disappearing into the hallway. I follow in suit, glancing back one last time before shutting the door.

"Thank you for agreeing to it." I say softly, takin his hand.

Paul leads me the rest of the way upstairs, silent.

He continues this way until we reach our room. He shuts the door behind us, locking it.

"What you've done is dangerous," he begins, "but you've become a weapon for us, per say."

I nod. "So you're saying I can fight?"

Paul hesitates, then nods.

I squeal, hugging him. He picks me up, squeezing me tightly. I pull back slightly, smiling shyly.

Without saying a word, I lower my mouth to his, kissing him gently. He reciprocates, harsher than how I had originally began.

I felt all his anger, pain, and love in that one kiss. He walks foreword until I'm pressed into the wall, his hands sliding to underneath my thighs.

I break away, out of breath, and begin kissing down his jaw and to his neck, stopping for a moment to suck at his pulse point.

He groans, but is held immobile by my mouth. I continue my trip down until my mouth rests at the juncture between his neck and shoulder.

Paul shifts on his feet, fingers digging into my legs. I take a deep breath before carefully biting him, my canines extending.

He grunts in pain, then leans against me heavily as I kiss the wound and run my tongue across it. Paul shudders as I continue to kiss my newly given mark, pulling away from my eager mouth.

"Lyssa." His voice is husky, making my insides melt.

I kiss him again, sparks running ramped through my body. He lets out a growl, nipping at my bottom lip.

Carefully, he walks away from the wall, still holding me. Paul gently lowers me onto the bed, ravaging my mouth with his.

My hands wander over his body, sliding beneath his shirt. I had never truly admired his fit body, but now I'm nearly salivating as my hands run over his Herculean body.

Fed up with the restraints of his shirt, I rip it off him. His hazel eyes darken, and he growls again.

"Careful, Lyssa."

I simply grab his face in my hands, bringing his mouth to mine roughly.

His hands disappear beneath my shirt, and I arch my back to help him take it off.

Paul complies, throwing it somewhere in the room. I reach for the button of his jeans, and he jerks his mouth away from mine.

"Are you sure you want to go there?" His eyes are dark, desire shining bright in them.

I smirk. "Are you sure you want to stop me?"

Paul smiles. "Touché."

//wOaH gUiSe ItS lIkE fOuR cHaPtErS iN tWo DaYs!!!!! remember to comment, vote, & share! -a\\

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