Chapter 6

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Colin jumps up, alarm filling his bright blue eyes. "What's going on, Lyssa?" the Commander snaps, gaining my attention.

"That, that man, right there, sitting right in front of you, is one of them!" I shout, pointing a finger at Colin, who has risen from his seat.

"What are you talking about, Alyssa? Colin is perfectly human." the Commander shouts, and I cringe from the use of my full name. I haven't gone by Alyssa in forever.

"No, he's not! I cut his upper arm when I was trying to escape the first time!" I shout, glancing at Colin, who looks as calm as ever.

The Commander looks over at Aaron, who shows no sign of looking scared or angry of being revealed. "Lyssa, I really don't think he's one of the monsters." the Commander sighs, but then Colin does something that gives him away.

When the Commander says "monsters", Colin bristles and growls, eyes shifting to black for an instant. The Commander swears, then begins to shout for guards, but Colin slams his fist into the Commanders temple, knocking him unconscious. He turns to me, and I back away, going for my dagger in my boot. Colin grabs me before I can get to my dagger.

"Stop let me-!" My scream is muffled by Colin shoving his hand over my mouth. He heads over to the window, throwing it open and jumping out.

I kick and try to bite him, and try to hit him too, but have no luck. I manage to pinch his hand enough to make him move his hand, and I let out an earpiercing scream, making Colin drop me, holding his ears and cursing.

I climb to my feet as fast as I can, running away from Colin. I hear him thuping after me, his momentary confusion gone. I feel him snag my jacket, and I slip out of it, letting out another scream, fear spurring me on.

I spot a group of soldiers opening the gates to let in some new people, and begin to cry. I'm going to be taken back. I don't want to go back. I scream again, that is until Colin hits me, then my vision gets fuzzy.

I struggle a little more, but I'm slow about it, and my head hurts terribly. I squirm one last time before he hits me again, and this time everything goes black.

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

The first thing that comes back to me is my throbbing head, and I wince, opening my eyes. A hazel eyed gaze meet mine, and I shout, backing away as fast as I can. Unfortunately for myself, the head of the bed is right behind me, so I get nowhere.

"Get away from me!" I scream, finding my voice and untangling myself from the blankets, stumbling across the room.

Paul gets up, approaching me, hand held out, mouth open. Most likely to calm me, but I don't let him touch me. I jerk away, running towards the small, oval window in one side of the room. Paul sighs, walking over to me again, but I just scream, running away from him again.

"Leave me alone!" I scream, tears running down my face, my raven hair is fanned out behind me.

Paul appraches me again. "Lyssa-"

"Go away! I don't want to be here! I wanna be at my home, with my family!" I shout, knees buckling as I curl into a ball and sob.

"Lyssa, baby listen-"

"I am not your baby! Get away from me, Paul!"

"Lyss, you're over reacting-" My head snaps up, anger replacing sorrow and fear.

"I'm overreacting? I'm overreacting?! No, I am not overreacting! You kidnapped me! Who freaking does that?" I scream, and Paul grimaces, hand darting to his ear.

"Lyssa, calm down, just let me explain-"

"NO! I don't want an explanation from you! I HATE YOU!" I sob, and Paul recoils, as if I had struck him.

"Lyssa." His voice is hoarse, and I feel the mating bond tug at my heartstrings at his sad voice, but I won't let that get to me.

"Just go away. Just, just go away." I mumble propping my arms on my knees and putting my head on my arms.

I hear Paul open the door, and I hear it shut, but I don't attempt escape. I am too spent for that, phsyically and emotionally.

I roll over, looking out the large window. Wait. Large window? Paul's room doesn't have a large window.

I rise, walking to said window, and look out. Instead of a huge clearing with tons of guards, as I expected, I was in the middle of a city.

Come to think of it, the room didn't have the right smell either. It smelled like a hotel.

A knock at the door brings me to my feet.

"Room service!"

I walk over to the door, well I'm limping really, something's happened to my ankle, and look out the peephole, seeing a maid with a cart.

"Uh, not right now. Someone's still in here."

The maid nods. "Alrighty then misses um, misses du Champ." .

I frown. Why does this last name ring a bell?

I rack my brains, going back over to the window, staring out at all the normal looking people in this wolf town.

A knock on the door jerks me back into reality.

"I already told you, no room service right now!" I snap.

"Mr. du Champ?" The voice is rough and gravelly.

"Um, wrong room." I call back, voice shaking.

"Mr. du Champ! Open the door!" I swallow, walking over to the door.

Three huge men, all with orangey eyes, are at the door.

"We said open the door!" I cringe, knowing they could easily break the lock.

I open it, making sure the bolt is still in place, and peek out.

"I told you, wrong room." I say, making my voice sound annoyed.

"Look, I don't care that he has one of his whores over, I need to see Mr. du Champ!"

The whore comment surprisingly hurts, but it's because of the mating bond. No feelings here.

"Mates, Xerxes. We are mates." I look up to see Paul marching down the hallway, eyes darker than normal.

"Ah. Mr. du Champ. Glad to see you've found your mate. Not very lucky, though. You'll have to tame that one."

I scowl, glaring at the Xerxes guy before slamming the door shut, going back to the window.

As I watch a young couple at a cafe down the street, I realize why the last name du Champ is familiar.

It was the last name of the wolf who killed my brother.


//dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!

dont hate me

okay bye

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