Chapter 17

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"We have to medicate you, Lyssa! This has been going on for weeks now!" Mom growls, pacing the living room.

I throw my hands up. "Like I can help it! It's not my fault; do you think I asked for this?"

Mom shakes her head, her brown eyes ablaze. "No! But this cannot go on any longer!"

I grab her arm, making her face me. "Look at me! Look me in the eye! I'm a freak-look at what they've done to me!"

Mom glares at me, then her gaze softens. "Your eyes. They're orange and gold."

I pull away, tears stinging my eyes. "Yeah! They're different colors; inhuman! I get made fun of every day."

Mom's fingers brush my arm, and I jerk back. "Don't touch me."

"Then why, Lyssie. Why can't I put you on that medication?" I turn on my heel, towering over her.

"Because I'm afraid I'll forget!" I bellow, feeling my canines lengthen a bit.

Mom's eyes widen. "Forget? But isn't that what you want?"

I shake my head. "No! I, it's not that bad! They aren't all bad!"

Mom scoffs, crossing her arms. "Now you're being absurd-"

"Am I?" I bark, "Because Paul pointed out something very true, mom!"

Mom lets out a bout of cynical laughter. "And what would that be?"

I feel my canines lengthen even more, but I ignore it. "We're the monsters! We are the ones who turned down the peace treaty; not them!"

Mom freezes. "How did you find out about that?"

I shrug, pulling at my hair. "I found an old document."

Mom stays tense. "Lyss," she says in a sickly sweet voice, "why don't you go into town and get me a couple things? We're running a bit low."

I shrug again, snatching my jacket and storming out the door. Instead of going to town, I go to the outskirts of the Wall, back to the bridge over the river. I sit on the edge of the bridge, past the protective guardrail.

I toss some pebbles into the raging water below, anger still boiling beneath my surface. My mother didn't understand anything about me nowadays.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The residential freak." I start, turning to see the boy from before. The one who started the fight a few weeks ago.

He's alone now, and I scowl at him. His brown hair is being blown back, exposing a scar that runs the length of his face. His hazel eyes are cold, nothing like Paul's.

"What's your problem with me?" I snarl, swinging myself over the railing on the bridge.

The boy takes a step back, then fixes his face in a snarl, stepping towards me. "You shouldn't be here! You put us all in danger with having an Alpha as a mate!"

I throw my hands up, growling. "You think I can help that?" The boy recoils, a sneer on his face.

"I think you could leave!"

I clench my fists, closing my eyes. "Hey! Look! The freak and Gilliam are about to get in a fight!"

I glance over, seeing a couple of kids looking and pointing at us. Gilliam grins, his hazel eyes having a dangerous glint in them.

"Why don't we give them what they want, freak?" Gilliam says, pulling his fist back.

He's about to strike me across the face when I move.
I dodge his hit, then swing back, hitting his jaw. It sends him reeling, and he hisses, sending a flurry of punches back at me.

I manage to evade most of them, only one clipping my chin. I hit him square in the face, breaking his nose. He swears, blood pouring down his face.

The scent of it sends me into a frenzy, and I send another powerful punch to his nose. He avoids it, then hits my own nose. I hear the crack, but barely feel the pain. Blood runs down my face, but I can already feel it healing.

Gilliam stands, watch in horror as my nose corrects itself, the blood flow stopping. "Y-you just healed!" He cries, backing away.

I smirk, sweeping his feet out from under him, stalking towards him. "Indeed, Gilliam."

"She's gonna kill Gil!"

I growl, looking up at the mob of kids surging towards me. My wolf is struggling to the surface. I beat her down, but as I back away I trip over a loose board on the bridge.

"Throw her into the river! She'll be as good as dead!" The kids surround me, closing in hands grab and pull at me, making me snarl, lashing out.

My claws slice some kids arm to ribbons, and they scream. I bite at another, then remember that if I were to bite them they'd turn.

A shudder runs through my body as my wolf struggles to the surface. My canines are jutted past my bottom lip, and the kids are slowly recognizing what I am.

"She has canines!"
"Her eyes are black!"
"The freak friggin slice n' diced Samantha's arm!"

Another shudder runs through me and the kids freeze. And then I shift.


Thanks so much for 1.13K reads guys. Means a BUNCH which is why I released this chapter EARLY. I was gonna make you guys wait until next week but I was happy and had a huge writing spree. So yeah I'll keep writing! Bye

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